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Forum Post: "Listen To Me...". In Dubai all soon speak English. NWO is the goal? Scandinavia Social Experiment.

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 14, 2011, 7:30 p.m. EST by iamalsoows (86)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Tonight I saw a documentary on danish television about Arabs in dubai and how they soon all speak English even Arabs.

Could all the talk across nations and the occupy movement really be the start of the New World Order where people believe in change but it is really being lead towards NWO with one world government, one army, one police, one currency?

I am only guessing at this point but my intuition says yes. Time will tell.

I have had some issues with my bank and my debit card and I have for the past 4 weeks tried to fix it with my bank. Either no response or wrong doings. I will not go into specifics. But I sense that big corps are getting to a point where they do not give a shit about one personal account. Same goes when I contact municipality and government. No replies or if replies then negative replies. Mostly no, no and no!

I said to my wife, jokingly, "perhaps we should try and rob a bank and if we get away with it great and if not we get free bed and breakfast." We win both ways. it seems like daily life is becoming more and more like imprisonment so why not take the full step. Pun but really...

When we shop we see the same foods, the same company logos, soon one company controlling all the foods. Not much variety. If you are rich yes you can go and shop in the nice places.

I have been living in Sweden for a while and the food there is so fucking bad and the department with frozen ready made food is the biggest department in the store. it sucks and I would not feed my dog with it. The rest is can-food or foods in plastic and the cheese never saw a bacteria. Vegetables are prices like silver.

Something really fucking rotten is going on. I really do believe that Sweden and Denmark and Norway are states where the elite are trying to see how far they can go. A social experiment in how far people will go before they revolt. No one has revolted yet and after 5PM the streets are as empty as void space. Some cities are deserted even on weekdays and if you want to see people you have to go to the mall. Here people walk like they are fucking dead zombies.

I am really starting to wonder and I seem to be the only darn idiot around. Pretty scary stuff.

When my son needed (as if he needed) a birth certificate they said at the office "Okay, a new taxpayer, fine". They know. I know. The birth certificate is just a bond for the stock exchange (in any country) and eventually he (my son) will work and pay tax. he is security for the state, the elite that is. I did not tell the office I knew not to make a scene at that time and place.

If I complain, and I do, I get a whole lot of shouting and people turn angry and they will look at me as if I was a fool. It seems to me as if society has turned rotten to the core and people do not notice it and it is elbows here and there and rough and tough and me me me. What happened to good old friendly talk at the pub... etc. I am speaking of Scandinavia here. it is bitterly cold and I really am 100% sure scandinavia is a social experiment by the elite.

Good luck I am soon heading to warmer skies.

Anyway, here some information I found:


If you've ever tried to speak the truth to someone about the reality of the New World Order, the Obama deception, the banking system- and all the other criminals, and got shot down. Here's something that might help you out some. If you're trying to talk to people about this and you don't know how to go about it, this kinda describes what the field is like. I'm not the originator of this video. The creator is credited at the very beginning of this video.

I put this video up because when you guys write to me, I read it, and take it in as if you were here with me in my living room talking to me. I always try to answer you guys as best I can, and this is just one topic where I'm getting a whole bunch of mail and have to keep repeating myself.

I know you're frustrated. I know some of you are new to all this and it's a lot to take in. I know that some of you have been truth seeking for a long time and still are having problems dealing with people. And one thing I know for sure is that it takes tons of applied effort to change someone who has been programed too well. I know how you're feeling and I had to say something. This video was sent to me, and I'm broadcasting it on my channel to help you...all of you because I love you all. Use this to your advantage. Everything on my page is for you guys. Use it!

Listen. Learn. Think. Speak. Act with Love.




Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

The Revolution has a new theme song!



The Revolution starts here!

[-] 1 points by rockyracoon2 (276) 13 years ago

Thank you for this post, and important video!

[-] 1 points by afarmer (65) 13 years ago

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." -J. Edgar Hoover


[-] 1 points by iamalsoows (86) 13 years ago

Thank you. I had SLE, Systemic lupus Erythematosus Wegener Granulomatosis and no doctor was able to say why. I believe now it was because I was vaccinated. Lights are turning on in my life since I started investigating religion and it has taken me far and I am learning. Great stuff. Finally the pieces are coming together. During 2012I shall do all I can to tell my story and my "theories".

This is so amazingly fantastic and gruesomely interesting every single human being will be able to make 12 Hollywood movies just alone on their own life.

Intelligence finally prevails. Keys are found or rather reveled. I am getting the bigger picture and boy are we entering a new world order. I hope a NWO II which will be without the NWO I we have seen the past years.

Thank you so far is all I can say. I shall contribute more 2012 as I progress.

[-] 1 points by afarmer (65) 13 years ago

Iama, Very interesting that you mentioned EWG. I just heard this briefly (for the first time) in a1991 video of a guy named George Hunt. He's a little too "fire and brimstone" , but he tells a story of him going to the Fourth Wilderness conference back in 1987, the beginnings of global warming and Agenda 21. He briefly stated that he told a friend of the this NWO plan and his friend responded jokingly, "You gonna get EWG." Hunt said he told he's friend that he was in the hospital last week with EWG. Looks like you been looking in the wrong places.
It's a lengthy video and I tried to pinpoint where he states this, but I couldn't find it. Sorry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpLnCT6k9Nc&feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=SP067DCFD5AD63AC12

[-] 1 points by iamalsoows (86) 13 years ago

I have it on now. I have been looking in the wrong place? Not sure if I understand that right. Hunt got EWG the other week because he got vaccine?

Anyway, I on the video now nut sure if it will explain what you are talking about but video is running. More later.

I guess in part and partial that watching the video is the point of this exercise.

I had Wegener's and I have been wondering why for years. I got it when I was 17/18 years old and I was very healthy at the time and it came like a thunderbolt from the sky and during 5 month I because very tired and in december 1981 I was very ill and hospitalized.

Doctors did not know what it was and if they did they did not tell me. The hospital has denied me access to the hospital records.

Hmmm... I had all the vaccines when I was a baby. Hmmm... I even have sent my government asking about the connection between vaccines and my Wegener's. No reply. Nada. Silence.



Looks like I am on to something. Interesting. Very interesting.

Fire and Brimstone... he could be my priest any day. Love it.

Any change of me getting to the core of it all or is Rothschild and banks it? I have a pretty big overview of it all but I need to get to the end game if there is any. Please provide if you can.

[-] 1 points by afarmer (65) 13 years ago

Iamalsoows, I glad you find the video interesting. I'm getting ready to start a telephone town hall meeting with Ind. Rep Todd Rokita any minute now, so I can not get into this right now. I did want to leave you hanging. I will leave you with video, to help fin the end game. I'm not 100%sure myself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yfUIWMQ92RU

[-] 1 points by iamalsoows (86) 13 years ago


I have read and saw the videos. I think it looks like everyone has their own agenda and all fight for their own ideas.

I am left with the notion that we live in a conspiracy-world.

Not sure where to go from here.



[-] 1 points by afarmer (65) 13 years ago

Iama, The townhall was good, nothing ground breaking. The debt and spending was the main concerns. However, I wasn't able to get my question in (Do you support a Constitutional Convention?"). But anyways, back to the NWO issue. I see you are a very logical person. I do believe men conspire and power is something that some rich men seek. As for this Agenda 21 stuff, I can't just shake it off so easy. Though I do not think depopulation is their goal (like some think), it's the centralizing of power to a select few that bothers me.

Agenda 21 is mentioned in United Nations Millennium Declaration:

"22. We reaffirm our support for the principles of sustainable development, including those set out in Agenda 21, agreed upon at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development." http://www.un.org/millennium/declaration/ares552e.htm

Here's a disturbing view from a prominent "environmentalist" http://robertscourt.blogspot.com/2009/04/sir-david-attenborough-british-eugenics.html

Who knows?

[-] 2 points by iamalsoows (86) 13 years ago

Indeed will we ever know until we are in the soup cooking.

I have come to this conclusion so far (sadly but my intelligence tells me so):

Please first watch this video about Facebook world control:


True? If yes, then I wonder why OWS http://occupywallst.org uses Facebook to connect http://www.facebook.com/OccupyWallSt.org ?

And why use the fisted hand as logo which is also a communist symbol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raised_fist

Something very fishy here. Anyway, I do believe or rather conclude, after watching more than 50 hours of video and reading 1600 pages that OWS is a front and a false flag operation which I have stated before.

That is the only Poirot-conclusion I can come up with. No other real evidence shows otherwise.

My wife told me to stay low and stop using the OWS forum. She is a smart woman. Thai. I have used my logical thinking the past 4+ weeks and my current conclusion is as mentioned above.

Should I drop dead in the streets of Bangkok one sunny or rainy, day my wife knows why.

However I have enough material for a rather amazing story and if I live long enough I might start to write it. It is a very fascinating story and I think even Rothschild's would be fascinated with the story because no-one will ever believe it. It will be pure entertainment and people will eat it up like candy like the Da Vinci Code and people will not think too much about the implications of the plot.

Myself I am also an artist and I can paint copies of Rembrandt and the old masters. I will spend some time doing so as well and play my saxophone. Then one day I will die and I will hopefully leave just a few pennies for my wife and child (whom I lost to another Thai woman - but that is a totally different story).

Debt and spending, right, nothing new under the sun.

Agenda 21 is a water-drop in a pool of laws and regulations. Eventually we are on star-ships fighting it out and in one million years these times will be looked upon as nothing more than the beginning of modern times - actually and probably forgotten.

Odyssey 2001 is my one time favorite movie and I realize it is not too far away.

Mentally I have ideas of the world and I know for one fact and that is that anything is possible. Anything. Atoms and quantum energy, which I call nothing, can be set together like LEGO in any form and way and can make star-gates and what-not. It will get there we just need more time to figure out to use our imagination and be able to put it together.

[-] 1 points by afarmer (65) 13 years ago

"A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished." Proverbs 22:3, 27:12

Iama, First of all, you can paint copies of Rembrandts?! Being that I have no real talent, I'm impressed. That being said, I didn't even think about Facebooks role in this whole thing. Looks Mr. Hunt is a busy man. I want to add something to this OWS movement, It was being planned in the White House for some time now. Meet the your orchestrator, Stephen Lerner, Former SEIU Exec. Here the plan in his own words in March of theis year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQQiFW2YDLM&feature=related According to White House visitor logs, “Stephen Lerner” has visited the White House four times over the past two years. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/uncovered-did-the-leftist-encouraging-economic-terrorism-have-access-to-obamas-white-house/ "A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism." Saul Alinsky, "Rules for Radicals" President Obama recommends Sal Alinsky's book "Rules For Radicals" for all colleges and high schools, and Hillary Clinton did her thesis on this book. I'm sure many organizers here know it well.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoYMzwIHAtc Black church warns against Obama and "rules for Radical"

[-] 1 points by iamalsoows (86) 13 years ago

Prudent, well, I am really not prudent :) I worked in my municipality and saw corruption and nepotism and revolted and got fired. I have stopped paying some old debt and I am looking forward to the door-knocking collector whom I will glare at and close my door. It is not much I owe but as a new principle of mine I will not pay.

My thai wife is the prudent one. I would probably enter a hurricane and somehow survive... I have had my nine lives already.

I speak my mind and I am ridiculed. I am usually on the loosing team. Mostly because I am not street smart. I am smart at many things where most people have 1-2 skills only.

Anyway, late here (my wife just called) but I will get back to Alinsky and socialism and Obama and revolution tomorrow same place right here.

Yes, I paint and also copies of Rembrandts self portraits.

Thank you. My latest post http://occupywallst.org/forum/i-have-come-to-proof-and-conclusion-that-ows-is-ro/#comment-509230

[-] 1 points by divineright (664) 13 years ago

I have a few friends living in Sweden and I'll be interested to get their perspective.

[-] 1 points by iamalsoows (86) 13 years ago

Please do. Can you tell me here what they think?

Anthony Bourdain:


(please see the end of part 4/5 from 5:40):


(I am sure that young woman was a blond. As Anthony said, there must be many joke on blonds in Sweden. And I can tell you it is utterly not true; swedes have no humor at all and I believe it must be because of the very very bad food or perhaps visa versa. Either way, both sucks.)




I know swedes LOVE sweden. Cheap cars but rotten food.

Also notice one of those ax throwing motorbikers has a badge saying: "I fear normal people". I do too. And these seems as normal as they come.

But it is clear, that the social welfare in Sweden is very low. And notice Anthony wanting to hang himself at the end. Sad.

I am sure any swede will agree with Anthony. Socially Sweden is a social experiment in how much the elite and government can make people into zombies. I have yet to talk to one with an IQ above 50. Perhaps I am just in the wrong places but hey, I have been all over Sweden.

Anyway, as I said, good fortune that warmer skies call. Sweden has 9 million people and is the size of France+. Go figure.


I have personally eaten frogs in Laos that where a feast and bugs in Malaysia that where crunchy. That I can eat. Not Swedish experimental foods.