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Forum Post: Links for info on Newer, Refined, & Future Crowd/Human control weapons

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 10:22 a.m. EST by streeemsign (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

4 all: Go to Wiki, & look up:

'Surveillance' - then scroll down & link off anywhere u find interesting 'Active Denial System' 'Directed Energy Weapon' 'Non Lethal Weapon' 'Sonic Weapon' 'Long Range Acoustic Device' LED Incapacitator' Sonic Weapon' 'MEDUSA (weapon)' 'Dazzler Laser'

This is your brain on gov't R&D. I wonder if any legislator(s) can slow this kind of fiendish development down - much less stop it? You can't have a world level plutocracy w out an enforcer systems in place.



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