Forum Post: link, two clips, one msm news guy blows lid off corrupt gov't, 2nd is how LIbya was modelling a gov't the made old gov't models obsolete... real change.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 3 a.m. EST by maikeru333
from Ottawa, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So the first link inside the above is a guy on msnbc in MAINSTREAM MEDIA letting loose on how the government is corrupt and bought out, and no solution will work, right wing or left wing, as long as they are Own3d by corporations and banks...
The second is on the Green Revolution in LIbya, and how he essentially 'stepped down' in 1977 and created a 'people's government', where they didn't elect a leader to rule over them, them basically did what is happening at occupy, on a larger scale, creating committees to work on things, etc... participatory or direct democracy...
more reasons why Libya is being crushed by monarchist rebels who want to reclaim what they lost 40 years ago, with the help of the strongest military on the planet (NATO), but having 'trouble', because the millions of people there support Gaddafi and the way their country is... the way the whole world COULD be... the resources in the hands of the people, instead of a few greedy bast4rds... on my article on subversion, in the same blog, there are two other good links on Libya, that seem to summarize the situation pretty well, if you want more stuff on this, and are skeptical... people don't realize their programming, sometimes, even though, when they think about it, they will basically acknowledge that the mainstream media is an owned monopoly, consolidated in the hands of a few...
small is beautiful... if you want to escape corruption, go back to small scale, people with good heart and good intentions, and learn and grow, together... you will find a way to overcome your own ignorance, and then you will be able to solve whatever problems come your way... including getting along with each other, and making sure everyone has enough!