Forum Post: Link Congressional Pay to Performance
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 7:26 a.m. EST by Socrates469bc
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Keep Congress Working for America: Pay Based on National Performance Create a merit and incentive based pay structure for employees of Congress and the Executive, including House Representatives, Senators, and the President themselves. The private sector has long had performance based pay structure.
Cut base pay for Congress and the Executive by 30%, and supplemented that with a bonus. The bonus pay will be linked inversely to the unemployment rate, the inflation rate, the crime rate, and the deficit; and directly to the GDP. Further wars cost money, not to mention lives. Bonus pay should thus be inversely linked to the number of American soldiers killed in battle.
We also propose a similar incentive system for State governments.
Haha I would love to see politicians paid on performance. Too bad those fuckers are the ones that vote on their own pay!
Yes, lawmakers probably will be too greedy to reduce their own salaries, but at least this approach will expose their hypocrisy.