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Forum Post: Line of thinking

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 10:46 a.m. EST by AstraStarr (71) from New Paltz, NY
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I cant find my original post so i wanted to post this again so everyone can get a good reality check! I would like to add this line of thinking.... That kind of language... 'you' SHOULD do 'this' - or 'what i say is right'... or have to and must- is exactly what the protest is not about. We are protesting MANY things... but thats okay because we all have a right to our opinions and perspectives, and to share them peacefully. Its about unity. A house divided will fall. We have realized that all our many different causes are related and are showing those in power we are awake. We may not have the answer right now- thats McDonalds instant satisfaction sort of thinking... but we are not blind to the problem and its intent. Rome was not built in a day- and rushing sloppy demands will result in what over achieving Rome ended with- FAIL.

There is more than one answer anyway... saying there is only 1 important cause or answer is like saying theres a magic pill for weight loss. People are allowed to say different things, but there is still SOLIDARITY. We are all still the 99, you and me.

I have an urban farmer friend that refuses to support because she believes the causes shouldnt mix in case of confusion- the media is backing and spreading this thinking like a virus.

However, with knowledge one realizes that all the causes are VERY connected and we all actually want the same things... freedom from fear, security, freedom.

All of us, self realized- awake- are hear to spread the knowledge- show the path. Others will wake up when they are ready- they cant be forced, but they still need to facts to decide for themselves, just like we did!!!

environmentalists, truthers, preppers, animals rights activists, civil activists, union members, anti-monsanto and codex alimentaris, survivalists, farmers, social workers, teachers, educators, chemtrail activists, ecologists, zoologists, social movements, seal/whale/tuna/dolphin defenders, the boys in blue, and the girls in urban fatigues, students, monks, retail clerks, natural practitioners, healers, bee keepers, bird watchers, clean energy, green homes, LGBT, pro womans rights, feeding children that are dying, peace corp, volunteers, missionaries, habitat for humanity, twola, anti-FED, you are beautiful.org, anonymous, wikileaks, social security, healthcare for all, moms, dads, sisters, brothers...

OUR WANTS ARE THE SAME and now for the first time OUR VOICE IS ONE! WE ARE 99!!!



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[-] 1 points by AstraStarr (71) from New Paltz, NY 13 years ago

And for the haters ... please stop with the MUST/ CAN'T / WONT comments...there are no absolutes. So what if at the end we get no where or 'fail'. Its about true to your humanity and united in solidarity not hate and revenge.

I will die someday without guilt knowing I tried my best and didn't spew hate all over my fellows.