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Forum Post: Limit Contributions to local donations

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 3:04 p.m. EST by Moderateman (11)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

1,3,4,8 should be mandatory as our demands at the capital. The movement should not leave the capitol steps until they are imposed.

  1. There should be a ninth one that says in effect politicians can only raise and except money for their election from their districts, and states respectively. And the donations should be capped that is based on the average income for individuals is for that congressional district, or state in the case of a senatorial election, that an individual can realistically afford to donate in one year. One Person One Vote, One Person One Donation Maximum. That will bring our representatives home because without us they have no vote or no capital to run on. Corporations, Parties, Unions, Special Interests can only contribute up to that set maximum for that Congressional District or State for a Senatorial election, no more or less than the average citizen of that district or state. They may only contribute in the district and state of their corporate headquarters. The American people are limited to our district and state when voting for federal officials so should the "living entities". This does not infringe on the “living entities” freedoms according to the supreme court they will have an equal voice and they may still participate in the elections but with no special rights over the LIVING REGISTERD VOTER. Political Parties may contribute to the maximum cap of a congressional district and senate election only if they have a fully staffed full time corporate head quarter in that district or state. So if they want a say they need to employ. And they can have their one maximum monetary vote in every national election throughout the country.



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[-] 1 points by Expotera (23) 13 years ago

Obama/Microsoft Illegal Presidential Campaign Contributions 2008
