Forum Post: Limbaugh Has Ball's to Call a Lawyer a SLUT - 99% of the US public Agree - Why does the OWS have NO Balls?
Posted 12 years ago on March 15, 2012, 5:30 a.m. EST by minimee
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All LAWYERS are SLUTS, ... we need more men like Limbaugh, ... and we need less fucking Censorship both on OWS, and in the real world.
Rush is a fat ass comedian entertainer, and has been so 40+ years. He was boor back in the 1980's when he was a little fat shit working in Sacramento, Calif on radio.
I remember when people boycotted him years ago, and he called on his listeners to BUY SNAPPLE, and guess what the listeners bought SNAPPLE and made a little company become a national ICON overnight.
So be careful what you wish for when you BOYCOTT Limbaugh, as history has shown that his LEMMINGS/MINION has a tendency to vote with their wallet.
Now if the fucking DEM's ever had such power, ... but they don't.
Money talks and BULLSHIT walks, ... funny that the left is is always left walking.
Given that Santorum will win the PUG Nomination, and given that Santorum is post-anal-sex feces, its quite telling that the Limbaugh, I mean Fat-Hitler called a Lawyer a SLUT, this could very well be LIMBAUGH in as Santorums VP.
All LAWYERS are SLUTS, ... we need more men like Limbaugh, ... and we need less fucking Censorship both on OWS, and in the real world.
All lawyers are SLUTS and 99% of the US public agrees. This comment could very well put Limbaugh in as the last minute POTUS candidate.