Forum Post: Like puppets on a string.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 2:48 p.m. EST by Greenbacks
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Like puppets on a string.
Remember, the Federal Reserve System did this. It was done as neatly as a man who operates a puppet on a show. The Fed has unlimited power to create inflation or deflation, panics or depressions, anytime it pleases, by making certain decisions that are beyond the reach of Congress and beyond the understanding of the people.
Out of this chaos and tragedy another Roosevelt arose on the scene. His career was probably the most evil of any person who has ever had power in America, possibly anywhere in the Western world in this century. To recount the evil acts that he performed at the bidding of his masters, the bankers of Wall Street, would fill an entire book. One of the first things FDR did was get Congress to pass the swindling Gold Reserve Act of 1934. Under that act, all gold that belonged to the United States Treasury (that is, to the American people) was given to the Federal Reserve System.
The act also made it a crime for any American citizen to keep his own gold. This Gold Reserve Act raised the fixed price of gold from $22.67 to $35 an ounce. This thirty-five dollar price was paid to the miners of gold or to any foreign investor who sent it over here for sale. But the Americans who were forced to surrender their gold received only a $20 Federal Reserve note for a one-ounce $20 gold piece, pure robbery in a captive market!
The circulation of gold coins ceased in the United States. Naturally, most Americans who owned gold coins broke this unconstitutional law and did not turn them in, but buried them in a safe place. And there was no more redemption of currency in gold. But the Federal Reserve bankers paid $35 an ounce to all their buddies in Europe who sent their gold over here. At that time gold could be mined for about $12 an ounce, but the Fed paid $35 for it. Between 1934 and 1941, 18,000 tons of gold were purchased by the Federal Reserve System and placed in the vaults in Fort Knox. The private bankers owned it. The government was simply the custodian thereof, and stored it at the expense of the American taxpayers. is a great way to share thanks
I like thanks
Gold has no intrinsic value! Wake up! Its value is no different than the value of floating currency! It is completely projected!
Get ready to get Ron Paul bombed with 1000's of links to articles written by out of work economists / Libertarians. lol
And btw, you are 100% correct.
ok, you make a valid point then wipe out any good it does by giving it a dick move title? comon man, this is your movement too.
How can we stop this?
This will continue until the American people understand just how they are being robbed and what they can do about it. A new monetary system has to be established to protect the freedom our Founding Fathers meant us to have---and keep.
I would say this to you, ladies and gentlemen. We must re-establish the kind of constitutional money system in this country that Jefferson wanted. He said that only the Treasury of the United States should create and issue legal tender money. He said that all money should be redeemable either in gold or in silver. That's the reason our Founding Fathers put into the Constitution a provision that no state shall make anything but gold and silver tender in the payment of debts. (In other words, the states may not issue legal tender money, and no private bank should either!)
If we go back to that kind of system and do away with fractional reserve banking, we may be able to re-establish a constitutional government in the United States. Wake up America!
ok, check this out then participate and spread this url. this was posted a few days back, the guy just got it started. help educate people.