Forum Post: Libraries and Intelligent Management of World Resources
Posted 11 years ago on Sept. 19, 2013, 11:17 p.m. EST by Kavatz
from Edmonton, AB
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is about what is going to happen. Listen close, think hard and plan to answer your own questions with a little effort.
There are probably a lot more examples out there. Like the one article asks, "What's the point of a library in the digital age?" They've just started realizing the potential.
I'll bet there are a shipload of articles out there pointing to corporations trying to make them extinct. I don't care much about that, society would never allow it.
As we are all aware, capitalism, money and the economy are temporary things we invented to enjoy an easier life. Now that it's no longer working, we will simply, naturally evolve.
Not long from now, there will be a lot less people stuck in the industrial age. Our leaders will have completely different minds. It will take a little longer than you might expect though, as I imagine "over the hill" will happen at 80 years instead of 40, for the well-off minority.
Don't you see how Fresco's ideas are naturally coming together? More people want to be united worldwide than ever before. There is more hatred for capitalism and false democracies than ever before, and with our technology we share this better than ever. This level of global synchronicity has never been achieved in our history.
The greedy, evil 1% are trying to take us down before we can react in a meaningful way. They do not wish for evolution that benefits/includes the rest of the population. They are happy to destroy everything to prevent any loss of power. They suck the life out of the planet as fast as their technology can, and plan for no end to this.
Their future becomes more limited as we become increasingly aware.