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Forum Post: Libertarians (Ron Paulites) are not friends of the Anarchists

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 8:36 p.m. EST by TrueAnarchist (8)
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No, they are not our friends.

Anarchists want to abolish not only the State, but also private property.

The "Libertarians" (a.k.a. "Ron Paulites") don't want to abolish private property. They even want to keep a "small government" with a repressive police force to protect private property.

They are not our friends. We are not friends of people who want to preserve private property and police repression.



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[-] 1 points by hebronjames1 (70) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Anarchists are more consistent than libertarians but both are removed from reality and empiricism

[-] 1 points by TrueAnarchist (8) 13 years ago

Long live Anarcho-syndicalism!

Long live the CNT:


Down with the fat cats and their private property!

[-] 1 points by randallburns (211) from Washougal, WA 13 years ago

The devil is in the details.

The Paul people have definite examples of large countries that have run with the program they have in mind.

Any time you move from the theoretical to the practical-there are always adjustments. Anarchists haven't crossed that bridge yet on a large scale yet.

That said: there are some areas on consensus where anarchists and Paulited might communicate. The BIG problem really I think would remain is concentration of wealth. Paulites don't want to admit there is any problem with their program in that respect. Anarchists aren't always that clear on how to get from where we are to where they want to go.

[-] 1 points by TrueAnarchist (8) 13 years ago

As Proudhon once said: "Property is theft!"

[-] 1 points by randallburns (211) from Washougal, WA 13 years ago

What are the forms of property you are most concerned about? How about focusing on assets of the upper 1% for a start-that means assets of $5 Million and more per family.

[-] 1 points by TrueAnarchist (8) 13 years ago

Down with private property!!!

[-] 0 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

TrueAnarchist, just a question for you. What kind of device are you using to post on this forum?

[-] 2 points by TrueAnarchist (8) 13 years ago

A self-made laptop that I built with materials collected from the garbage.

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

Is that your property?

[-] 1 points by TrueAnarchist (8) 13 years ago

No. I share it with everyone.

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

Oh so it does not belong to you even though you worked to collect the parts and make it?

[-] 1 points by TrueAnarchist (8) 13 years ago

No. I'm not selfish and don't have a psychotic sense of possession. I constructed it not only for my use, but also for the use of everyone who need it.

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

I'm not talking about sharing, that's a noble trait, I'm talking about who is taking that laptop home with them when this is all over but you are dodging. There is nothing psychotic about wanting to keep the fruits of your labor if you so chose, or give them away for that matter. Since you cannot give away what is not yours you cannot be charitable unless you own property.

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

No you don't need those things but a factory provides goods to people that need them or want them, and apartment building provides housing to those that need it, and farmland provides food to those that need it. The people that took the risk to build, purchase and or work those things get compensated for their risk, work, or investment in providing those things. There is nothing wrong with that. Wealth is not a 0 sum game there is plenty of it in a system where the playing field is level. Now as far as a level playing field is concerned I will concede that currently it does not exist here.

[-] 1 points by TrueAnarchist (8) 13 years ago

Oh I see... And you need to have the property of a factory, the property of an entire apartment building, the property of thousands os acres of farmland...