Forum Post: Libe(R)tarian Koch Infestation continues in '14'
Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 15, 2014, 11:08 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
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The bravery of being so rich, as to be out of range, allows their infestation to continue, undeterred and seriously under reported.
Aegis Strategic is born.
Not happy with ALEC, Heritage, AFP and the entire SPN, the Koch's have found yet another way to infect Democracy.
Spurning Koch:
Not easy, but Brooklyn is showing the way.
How about boycotts of Koch products?
You can try, but how do you know which pipeline various Oil products are shipped through, or what stare brands were produced by Koch Industries, or contain products from their chemical facilities?
Koch suckas
Some kinda boycott can have an affect. (that link may be a good start)
Here's a current republican effort to help Kochs, banksters & other corporatists with deregulation.
Never get past the senate I hope
Before Kochs, Scaife.
Gone but not forgotten. Who is spending his money now? & on what?
Kochhead in Texas Gubernatorial race!
Abbot must be retired
Who needs chemical safety? That could affect profits.
We're all made out of chemicals anyway, so what's the harm in a few more?
Too funny. Sounds like conservative talkin points right out of their manual.
Abbot can be beat. If/when he is, Texans will benefit.
Meanwhile, back on the reservation.
Lots of chemicals for everyone.
And topped with earthquakes!
Less fish, more earthquakes=more money.
For somebody else.
Recent Kochnews:
They should denounce Koch bros but take it/use it in some anti Koch way.
They can also divest/push divestment from fossil fuel corps.
That'll get 'em.
so when does congress become an internet forum ?
It doesn't.
The better question is , when does it reflect the States and become even more strictly a Koch forum.
why not ?
Too hard to filibuster.
the appended response system would handle overload
It would crash your system.
Or the Koch's would pay to do so.
They don't want you messin' with the government they're busy paying for.
we can't do anything on the web we don't want to do
You can however, learn everything about the sea pig, you never wanted to know.
Field guide against Koch/oligarch infestation
it’s unconscionable
It's beyond unconscionable--it's a matter of course.
Koch a doodle do!!
You pick now to speak in euphemisms?
They are motherfucking, manipulative assholes!!!
They definitely have much more money than brains.
Unfortunately, they are effective assholes.
They are not just about fucking up our country.
Like most libe(R)topians, they are all about fucking up the Planet for fun and profit.
Nope, pointing out that words like ethics doesn't make a dent. It doesn't register. It doesn't phase them.
These folks are sociopaths.
I don't think that word's in the Koch/libe(R)topian dictionary.
There's only one word in it, to save on paper.
that word is...PROFIT.
Exactly. This is not a group of people who will ever feel any type of remorse. They hire the simplest minds when possible because those are the most controllable-until they aren't.
Koch universe vaster than previously thought
The sad truth is, most young libe(R)tarians cut their teeth at prisonplanet.
So they come up with stuff like this.
That's almost funny. That said, I have no doubt that it is orchestrated here.
You mean the folks that keep trying to turn the place into a soap opera?
It's like I've said before.
Lies are not dissent, they're just lies.
They fight hardest for their "right" to lie.
what about the right to speak the truth ?
Look sharp, Kochalert!!
This just in:
It can't afford the lawyers that lies can.
Here we are.
Lies are protected.
The truth?
Not so much.
Exactly!!! - How Insane Is "THAT" ???
We may need to create a measure of that...................................:)
'Cause that's pretty insane.
Particularly, when you take in to account how much LOUDER lies always are.
EDIT: Justifiable Insanity ? . . . . or would that be . . . Justifiable Sanity???
Justifiable Sanity = determined by the public affected - as I don't think that there is a court that I trust at this point in time.
what about a witness
The witness was rendered witless, by a some wankers named Koch.
It's all too common an occurrence.
So, do these folks
This guy too.
Just another asshole in a position of power and respect?
There's far too many of them
There is nothing to respect. Secondly, their little nimrod unthinking audience should be condemned as well. They are a group of people that it's real easy to yank their chain.
That chain got yanked, just this morning.
HC? "tormenting racists" (Kochs are bigguns)
Perhaps they are not all like that, just most of them.........:)
Not all conservatives are racists, but aren't all racists conservative?
Who knows?. Some related info
No one here want's to talk about this guy.
They're more interested in the actions of Semites that live half a World away.
Any excuse for partisan bashing & distraction from the Koch/ALEC/Libertarian/war mongering right wing threat at the root of all our problems.
Transparent & pathetic.
Meanwhile, these guys and others get a free pass.
Let alone the Bundy Ranch debacle.
LMFAO, Too funny, haven't seen it.
Mn is interesting because it exhibits some of the self destructive intraparty split w/tea party extremists:
That whole phenom must be nurtured until it tears the right wing apart!
Sure to make you laugh.
Indeed. Kentucky's incumbent Sen #1 foe of the 99%.
Hope this helps retire that turtle lookin Koch lovin oligarch puppet.
Definitely funny though.
"Koch/ALEC/GOP policies remain extreme"
Our enemies operate out in the open. Arrogant, & foolish.
Join the fight against Kochertarianism
Koch tentacles everywhere. "Gotta look sharp"
Oligarch alert.
(good to see you active here)
Kochwatch (know the enemy)