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Forum Post: Libertarian-Defaming Trolls in a Feeding Frenzy

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:41 p.m. EST by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD
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Now that all of the Repubs seem to have disappeared, the trolls are going after the libertarians. The lazy-dirty-hippy thing seems to have gotten a little old. Maybe it's been over-played, I don't know.

In case you haven't heard, libertarians are the truly evil ones who are ignorant tools with no knowledge of history and no compassion. It used to be the Repubs were the ones who like to eat little children and throw Granny out in the street. Good thing those trolls have figured out who the real bad guys are - the ubiquitous yet obscure libertarians. There are so many of us and we've held so many positions of power for so long that we've been able to brainwash huge numbers of people to our anti-Fed crusade.

Gosh, it warms my heart that there are so many on OWS who want to unite people of all backgrounds, philosophies, faiths and ideals so that we can fix what's wrong with this great country.

I'm so glad to be on a forum where people don't call each other names and are working for a common good.

Libertarians and dirty hippies unite! It's the only chance we've got against the 1% and their well-paid troll army.



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[-] -1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Oh and here's a lovely exchange - my favorite so far Me: You blame the libertarians for government having been 'stolen'? By what possible logic?

Is it because there have been an overwhelming number of libertarians in Congress? Because they wield such widespread influence with obscure, esoteric arguments? Because there have been so many libertarian Presidents? Because they make so many policy decisions and laws? Or because rogue libertarians are lurking at their liberty-loving websites blogging away on their computers plotting to end the Federal Reserve? Oh no - it's because there are so many libertarian CEOs just lining their pockets with big bonuses and funneling money into the libertarian candidate juggernaut!

You must be a closet libertarian because it sounds like you've been smoking something that's probably illegal (but you really think it should be legal in the name of liberty).

Unbelievable. You'd be better off blaming the bogeyman. reply permalink edit delete ↥ ↧ Lockean (New York, NY) 1 points 10 minutes ago

Oh please. GFYS. "Libertarian" is an ideological tool used by those who want the freedom to rape workers, the planet, or simply just exploit the financial system without repercussion or buy their nearest politician and call it free speech. You people are deluded with the noble-sounding ideals of liberty and blind to how you're used.

Libertarian politicians? They put on that title and they'll be magically uncorrubtible? We have been moving in a libertarian direction since Reagan. I realize not pure enough for you but it never will be. But the trend is unmistakable. The fact is, more free markets and more free trade have meant more assfucking for the American people.

[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

Hmm. He/she was right, you were wrong. Deal with it.