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Forum Post: Liberate American democracy! It's Free and Easy

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 11:53 a.m. EST by aahpat (1407)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The one place in American democracy where Wall Street's billions$ have zero control is the Write-In slot on every ballot for every race.

It is free to Write-In.

It is easy to Write-In.

There are no signature gathering requirements for a Write-in campaign.

There are no ballot access restrictions on a Write-In candidate.

Take back America's democracy by exerting real political free choice.

Assert your political free speech in the one place where it matters most, the American democratic ballot box.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by VoteGreenParty (2) 12 years ago

Forget write-ins, complete waste of time - most states require write-in candidates to register ahead of time, or votes will not be counted.

Rather than sitting out and not voting, the stronger message would be organizing, and uniting, behind a great candidate who does not accept corporate or PAC bribes, like Green Party candidates that realize, it's all about people. Rather than being scared into voting for a used car salesman that will tell you whatever you want to hear, like the great hOpiness does, find that American courage, the land of the free, home of the brave spirit, and SEND A STRONG MESSAGE.

Support & Vote for JILL STEIN for President. Green Party. 2012. End the Bi-Partisan Debacle.


Noam Chomsky, and many peace activists have endorsed JILL STEIN.

[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 12 years ago

For California voters:

In order to be eligible to receive write-in votes and have them actually count, a candidate must file a written statement declaring him or herself to be an official write-in candidate for a particular election.

Write-in votes cast for someone who has not filed as an official write-in candidate will not be counted. If a voter misspells the name of candidate, or omits part of the candidate's name or the office for which the candidate is running, the vote may still count depending upon a number of factors.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

CA needs to count the votes openly

[-] 1 points by crashingglobalmarkets (43) from Brick, NJ 13 years ago

Of course. Incorporate the hitech social web organize support yer noncrony candidate or even write yer own name in. Another free option is collectively announcing their intention is not to participate at all in 2012 because the legitimacy of the process is popularly suspect. All actions 100% of conscientious folks would applaud.

[-] 1 points by aahpat (1407) 13 years ago

Not participating is the best outcome, for the corrupted politicians. That way no one has to count you as having any point of view. They ignore you altogether.

But if you participate with a Write-In and enough people do it they can't ignore your presence in the process. If 2-hundred thousand vote in a congressional race and 55-thousand are Democrats while 56-thousand are Republicans then, even if you only Write-In "OWS" or "NONE OF THE ABOVE" the fact that 89-thousand people were pissed enough to protest will make the media. If we vote for an alternative candidate and put on a big number showing, (I plan to vote for Elizabeth Warren in the Democratic presidential primary because Wall Street hates and fears her), even if we don't win our positions will be respected more because the parties will want to try and WIN our vote next time.