Forum Post: Liberalism is an ideology to be crushed like Communism! It has allowed Socialism to take root in the US!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 1:12 a.m. EST by LiberalsAreExHighSchoolGeeks
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Liberals are part of the Leftist Machine: liberals, Democrats, RINOs, progressives, and socialists.
The Leftist Machine has controlled CBS/NBC/ABC, Hollywood, and politics for decades.
Please do some substantial research before you form opinions or vote! Ads, speeches, and biased news are not fact and not research.
CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN/MSNBC/NPR/HLN/Bloomberg/Faux Noos are all bought and paid by the 1%.
None of them are truly open to the opinions of the oppressed.
Evil must call good evil and evil good or it cannot survive
Uh, wrong, I believe that the reviled political term that you are searching for is fascism/corporatism. That's what we've got going on here, and that is why you are currently being denied the liberties you believe you should be enjoying on American soil.
Fear is the mind killer.
@OP...some people see the world differently. It doesn't mean they "need to be crushed." Deal with it.
Aight poster man. Ex-highschool-geek doesn't make anysense and just makes you look like a moron.
And two: It's the fanaticism of both liberals and conservatives who don't want to compromise that is the problem. So chill dude, people need to respect opinions and just talk it out.