Forum Post: Lexington rally calls on Israel to stop bombing Palestinian civilians in Gaza
Posted 10 years ago on Aug. 3, 2014, 2:02 p.m. EST by MattHolck0
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
More than 50 people protested Israel's bombing of Gaza during a downtown Lexington demonstration late Friday afternoon, "Two, four, six, eight, stop the killing! Stop the hate!" they chanted.
"Honk for peace" one sign read, and several motorists did just that.
Ismael Shalash, 32, of Lexington, who is of Palestinian heritage, said, "We feel it is our job as a community to come together here, to unify together."
Read more here:
Images of "Protests for Palestine" from a simple Google search:
People all over the world want freedom for the Palestinians.
Governments, on the other hand, are out of touch with the needs of regular people, you could even say the needs of the 99%. And, the Palestinian cause IS the cause of the 99%. So, as long as the Palestinians are imprisoned, we are all imprisoned.
End the apartheid, siege and blockade of the Palestinian people now!
We're not that far off from a possible genocide here now. How long can Gaza undergo this inhumane imbalanced assault? The world's people are taking notice. Why are governments turning their heads? Who is controlling who?
End the apartheid, siege and blockade of Gaza now and allow the Palestinians to live a decent dignified life with hope, peace and love instead of despair!
“The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel. It is not about achieving peace. The Israeli decision to rain death and destruction on Gaza, to use lethal weapons of the modern battle field on a largely defenseless civilian population is the final phase in the decades long campaign to ethnically cleanse Palestinians.” by Chris Hedges, from :
e tenebris, lux ...
Google images of Gaza:
Just as powerful as the Google images of "Protests for Palestine" but more tragic, indeed.
Now, if only we can bring the desires of most people around the world, with regard to Gaza, to fruition, we could free those people. A free Palestine is what most humans want despite the total abject failure of their governments around the world to make that happen.
End the open air prison in Gaza! Free the Palestinians from apartheid and oppression!
Indeed a ''Free Palestine'' would be exactly as you say however, Israeli actions have now utterly obviated any possibility of a ''Two State Solution et ergo, imo bw, Only The South African Paradigm Now Applies.
Famously shows the extent of the dispossession of Palestinians and the reality of the bantustans in Israel/Palestine [+ ]
''Israel has been systematically taking over the Jordan Valley, driving out Palestinians, establishing settlements, sinking wells, and otherwise ensuring that the region -- about one-third of the West Bank, with much of its arable land -- will ultimately be integrated into Israel along with the other regions that country is taking over. Hence remaining Palestinian cantons will be completely imprisoned. Unification with Gaza would interfere with these plans, which trace back to the early days of the occupation and have had steady support from the major political blocs, including figures usually portrayed as doves like former president Shimon Peres, who was one of the architects of settlement deep in the West Bank.
''As usual, a pretext was needed to move on to the next escalation. Such an occasion arose when three Israeli boys from the settler community in the West Bank were brutally murdered. The Israeli government evidently quickly realized that they were dead, but pretended otherwise, which provided the opportunity to launch a "rescue operation" -- actually a rampage primarily targeting Hamas. The Netanyahu government has claimed from the start that it knew Hamas was responsible, but has made no effort to present evidence.
''One of Israel's leading authorities on Hamas, Shlomi Eldar, reported almost at once that the killers very likely came from a dissident clan in Hebron that has long been a thorn in the side of the Hamas leadership. He added, "I'm sure they didn't get any green light from the leadership of Hamas, they just thought it was the right time to act."
The above is a very in depth article and although I don't fully agree with it - it is still very worth reading.
fiat lux ; fiat justitia ; fiat pax ...
"Eran Efrati, a former IDF soldier, recounts his experience being ostracized for attempting to expose crimes he witnessed in service."
This is a great episode of Breaking the Set. Efrati is heartfelt as he explains his experiences and feelings with regard to Gaza. Also, Max Blumenthal is the second guest. Worth watching! ... is the organisation that Eran Efrati is most closely involved with. Your link for 'Breaking The Set' is exceptional. I watched that episode with my better half. We were both struck by what Eran Efrati & Max Blumenthal had to say. Thanx bw and also fyi, please try to consider :
fiat justitia ruat caelum ...
Israeli Cargo Ship prevented from unloading at port in Oakland by Pro-Palestinian protestors.
From your Truth Out piece: "So, in addition to that, we cannot forget the impact of the international boycott movement against Israel, boycott, divestment, and sanctions, because every time Israel is using so much violence, more and more people joined this movement."
That's the way to do it people! Bravo!
''One of the protest organizers, Steve Zeltzer, said : “I think it was a big victory today for those who are opposed to the policies of Israel in Gaza.”
''The successful action to frustrate the unloading of the Zim Shanghai follows similar protests last month in ports along the coast of California and in Florida. The Zim Shanghai’s sister ship, the Zim Piraeus, was blockaded for four days and prevented from unloading at the same port in Oakland. In the end, the vessel had to make its way to Los Angeles with its cargo still on board.
''Further protests were staged in Seattle, Tacoma and Long Beach ports in California, and Tampa in Florida.''
The above is excerpted from your excellent link. I've also been intermittently following Block The Boat's actions for weeks on LiveStream' and it was good to see their actions get coverage in 'The Guardian'. In compliment and solidarity with your comment and link - and with 'Block The Boat' and Gazans, I append and thoroughly recommend, the following :
''Hamas Needs to Be Recognised'', by Jimmy Carter & Mary Robinson : ;
''What if the Children Dying in Gaza were Jews?'', by Robert Bonomo : & also fyi :
''On The Wrong Side Of History - Ex-Israeli Soldier Speaks Out..'' - Video by Eran Efrati : & as per your comment and link ... ~{~
Thanx for your attention in this matter & for giving a hoot for Palestinians ... despite being American !!
fiat lux ; fiat justitia ; fiat pax ...
Solidarity with Hong Kong today too! Solidarity with Occupy Central!
Solidarity with the 99% and their struggles all over the globe! Never give up! re. HK. and also see ..
per aspera ad astra ...
Yep = that is how it gets done = Peacefully = Hit TPTB where they actually feel it and care about it = in their wallet.
Thank you beautifulworld for link. Magnificent photo compilation. Very moving.
Pro-Palestinian does not equal anti-Semite or pro-Hamas, and the bullying should end with regard to that. It is merely a rhetorical way to continue the oppression of 1.8 million people.
"Hollywood divided: passions high as actors and celebrities speak out on Gaza"
"Artists voicing solidarity for Palestinians trigger backlash from industry heavyweights in a town with strong Israel connections."
"It is perhaps the last taboo in Hollywood but the carnage in Gaza is prompting an increasing number of artists and celebrities to do the unthinkable: criticise Israel."
Shame on anyone who bullies those who have the compassion to see the Palestinian people as fully human.
End the apartheid, siege and boycott of Palestine now!
Who confuses a pro-palestinian stance with a pro-Hamas and anti-Semite stance? Perhaps some do, but, if I were you, I wouldn't bother taking them too seriously. It's obviously a ridiculous idea, not very intellectual. Only the uneducated would think in such a simplistic manner.
excellent trolling move here zen/trashy - removing your own comment - throw them off the scent so to speak. you may be shortfatbaldsexyreallysick but not stupid - well i guess that depends on how you define your terms
i saw it too. good eye man
he is slick/sick - you're new huh - if true welcome to the funhouse. if just a new id then you know all too well already. and being from nyc - well you know - you have to be aware of this type of shit
some people told me he was sick. ya. we had some wackos at zuccotti too. you kind of get used to it. you coming to the Occupy Revival at Zuccotti on sept 17?
i will try. depends on work. spent some time there during the occupy. took care of a sick uncle on w71st then downtown to pick up the wife at bank of ny mellon - hedge fund operations! shitty pay and work conditions if you can believe it - greenwich and murray so it was a no brainer to stop at the park and debate some of the rand paul stooges - well some of them were ok. thoughtful and open to new ways of thinking but some of them - wow. met lots of cool people - teachers who came down from maine on vaca to check things out - housewives from nj for obama and lots of interesting discussions. never could stay for the ga stuff but that is probably just as well. twinkleing/stinkleing is not my thing. got a few interesting ows t shirts! that can't be bad.
everyone left occupy for work. guess that is understandable. gotta take care of yer own.
the rulers have been forcing us to do that for a couple of hundred years now- two small grandchildren add to the time constraints. i have to feed them and get them to work 4 days a week! at least they are more fun than our capitalist overlords. new mayor in town - it will be interesting to see how it goes
san diego mayor makes unremembered vow or promise or something
your kids come first, but don't forget your country.
point taken - not sure if we have much time to change course and keep the world from spinning into the abyss - but it is so much fun to play with those kids! makes one forget the world
"any idea what will happen on the 17th."
not really. shot in the dark. have no idea how many people will come. hopefully some people are interested.
you have to think short term, but also for their long term future.
if you are old though, i say have fun and leave the revolution for the younger folks.
i know i can't change much from my rocking chair.
hey now! i still play hockey so don't put me in a rocking chair. i saw lots older than me at the park - what a place it was. everyone has to do their part. any idea what will happen on the 17th.
hey trashy - if you are going to use that poor sick schmuck's id you should at least make an attempt to stay in character - i would suggest saying your sorry to beauty for doing just that in the past and you will never do it again blah blah - you get the idea - come on - put a bit of effort into your trolling
Apparently Medea Benjamin and the usual suspects in Code Pink have started a Rubble Challenge,which involves dumping a bucket of rubble onto one's head to draw attention and donations to the cause of the Palestinian Displaced People.The woman is a genius and she is one of the only people I know of who would make a good POTUS.
I think I would prefer the idea - of - instead of dumping the bucket of rubble onto my own head- that it instead be dumped from no less that a one story drop - onto the head of war hawks. Now "there" is a worthy challenge - that if successful ( the rubble dump ) - "really should" make an impression on those who do not support peace by peaceful means.
Those Chickenhawks are a despicable crew.Ready,willing and able to fight to the last drop of Other People's Blood.Not one of them has ever seen combat.Nauseating.Thanx for bringing them up-NOT-now I gotta hurl.
The actions of the MIC have that ( gotta hurl ) affect on all "sane" individuals.
I forgot that Professional Empty Suit and Traitor Extraordinaire John Kerry.He supposedly has seen combat and nevertheless is addicted to saber rattling.That makes him and Old Bastard McCain the worst of the worst.Excuse me whilst I hurl again.
The Old Bastard McCain - ought-a reflect on his time as a prisoner of war and remember how he was welcomed by his captors for attacking them - look at and eternally re-examine the crap that was the Vietnam police action and say to himself - NEVER AGAIN.
Kerry "TRULY" Sucks - as - he was a Vietnam dissenter and returned to home protestor. Now look at the asshole.
He is a parvenu,a sniveling Yes man,a Thug,a Supercreep-the Whole Package.He really is a living Monument to Hypocrisy,Shallowness and Whorishness.There are many others,but he is a Standout-IMHO.
I agree - absoluetly. He lived through some of the horrors of war ( scuse - police action ) and came home horrified and determined to see it end. Then the bastard sold out for personal position/gain/livelyhood. Fucker should be squashed like a bug.
I wonder if the plane crash that killed Teresa's Oligarch Hubby was really an accident.He must have been able to afford The Best-no matter what he was buying.Best plane,best crew,etc.Maybe it was somebody else's plane and the person was a Tightwad or a Slob.Anyhow he sure did John Kerry a Solid,getting killed and leaving behind a large Fortune and a Barely Used Trophy Wife.What a guy...
I have thought this for years - but never shared the thought - how selfish of me.
1) world leaders have bones to pick.
2) Let em
3) No surrogates allowed.
4) The winner? Who cares? Just because they won - does not mean that anyone ( ANYONE ) has to listen to em.
5) Send them up against the next in line of the " all time world's assholes "
6) The winner of each contest gets the same = NOTHING. Wellllll - nothing other than the self respect of having stomped the life out of another world champion asshole - just like them self.
What is kinda funny and REALLY SAD - is that following the Prezes speech tonight - the NFL had to have - a - bring back the glory of football show - hmmmmmm - one has gotta wonder if this was in response to the five month old tape of Ray Rice brutally knocking out his girlfriend/fiance in an elevator that the execs of the NFL never saw ( so they say ) untill just the other night.
What I can say right now - IS - the President's speech tonight was - to say the least - HORRIFIC. WHAT A FUCKING HYPOCRITE - protect freedoms around the world = BULLSHIT - OH - SORRY - SCUSE - AS LONG AS THEY DON'T STAND IN THE WAY OF AMERICAN ( AMERICAN??? - um - does that now substitute as CORP(SE)oRAT interests? ) INTERESTS. In OTHER words = GIVE US WHAT WE WANT AND EXACTLY HOW WE WANT IT - OR - DIE - thank you - signed exonn and associates.
Can anyone else see it differently?
the only trump card the US has is fire power and weapons
Obama is unbelievably Bogus and Decrepit.I never even listen to his speeches anymore.He looks like he's f'n dying and is obviously furiously waving his arms around and running out the clock so he can squirm his way Off the Hook.Many say he is the worst POTUS Ever-but I maintain that the Highest Infamy rightfully belongs to George W.Bush for the Crime of the Century-committed right off the bat,the Iraq War.The politics of this country have been a f'n game of 3 card monte for decades.A hideous spectacle.
I don't know where to begin - except to say you are right - this latest round of infamy was set off by G W Bush and then was followed up by and further worsened by OHbummer and his escalating drone wars. Now they want to further the crimes by arming and training yet another pack of murderers to let loose upon the middle east.
As we have seen over the last decade,The Scum Also Rises.
I'm sorry - but are you sure that it wasn't an ALEC membership meeting that just somehow got horribly sidetracked to the neighborhood?
OK,DK-that one I totally had coming.You got me again.D'oh!
[ edit ] I think I saw a report about that on the UFO files.
Kidding - just kidding - I think I saw it on a special edition of better homes and gardens - The Cheney issue.
edit -> Though at Cheney's place I think it was done on purpose and he cleared em off with a shotgun. No Banker friends were injured in the episode.
The slime those slugs left behind was extraordinary.It stank and destroyed the paint on the garage door and house front.It also seemed to be toxic-we all got sick.The surfaces where the slugs were clinging and slime-ing had to be power washed repeatedly.Even then,the entire area had to be scraped because the paint would not adhere.It was a completely insane nightmare-absolutely surreal.This is a true story-I don't think I could ever have imagined such an event.It was a very unexpected and unwelcome development,to say the least.
No problem - I can see where the mistake would be easy to make = slimy and toxic and resembling slugs. Could happen to anyone. {;-])
I was practically begging for it that time.LOL!
Lake Erie - most recent - with a day-glow toxic green scum. Kinda funny that. In that the scum in government and business - really do seem to be glowing = hideously.
I am sure Climate change will be chock full of bizarre and grisly surprises.One of the first manifestations I witnessed personally occurred about 15 years ago in Kirkland,NY.My mother's next door neighbors' house front and garage door were found to be completely covered with a huge mass of tiny black slugs.And I mean thickly and completely covered.There must have been millions of them.Nothing of the kind had ever occurred in that location,and many of the people in that neighborhood were in their 80's and had lived there all their lives.None could recall a plague of slugs in all those years.They proved very difficult to remove.A horrible smell lingered for months.A totally disgusting sight I will never forget.
ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qodra told Anadolu Agency.
Good Post
This conflict Palestine and Israel. Really does point out the fact of governments as being monstrous. Criminal governments. Do people really wonder why there is so much protest against existing governments all around the world?
finding solutions
US has problem housing refuge children.
Gaza blockaded and bombed