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Forum Post: Letter to Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 10:42 a.m. EST by agentxti (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hi Lloyd,

Before this whole economic meltdown thing, I was a cater waiter at one of your Goldman Sachs Christmas parties. You know--the one where you had Harry Connick Jr. come and sing for you while you enjoyed filet mignon? Yeah, that one. We cater waiters were pretty shocked when you made us all leave the floor during Harry Connick Jr.'s performance. You see, working as a cater waiter is pretty exhausting and thankless, but one of the few perks is that we get to enjoy the entertainment as we fill your wine glasses. Or at least, we got to do that at every other party I worked. At your Christmas party, we stood in an unheated tent in the back and discussed whether Goldman Sachs was more like Scrooge or The Grinch. By the way, we all knew that you had insisted on $10,000 worth of cloth cocktail napkins (to be fair, I guess your soft hands could have been damaged by paper) and that at the end of the night you planned to throw them all away. We saw your arrogance and your waste, and shook our heads. None of us even had health insurance. But we were happy to have a job, even a crappy job catering to the likes of you.

Little did we know that a few short years later, we cater waiters would be bailing out your industry with our hard earned taxes. We saw you enjoying the fruits of your privatized profits during the good times. We saw it up close. But then, the consequences of your risky behavior started to hit, and all of a sudden, socializing that risk started to look pretty good, didn't it? If you had at least responded with some humility and gratitude, if you had at least decided to take a good hard look at your industry and make some real changes, the American people wouldn't be so pissed at you right now. Instead, we see the same greed, recklessness and waste that you indulged in before this whole mess. The only difference is that now, we're not watching from the catering room floor, because we don't have jobs. We're watching from the streets because our homes have been foreclosed on.

I don't know how you can see the real suffering that is going on in this country and feel good about cashing your multi-million dollar bonus checks. Maybe you're choosing not to see the people who are suffering--just as you chose not to see the people making and serving your food at that Christmas party years ago. But I can tell you that we are here and we are very, very angry. You stole from us, and you already have so much. Shame on you. Shame. On. You.

I don't have a whole lot of faith in you or your industry, but I would still argue that it's not too late to take some responsibility for your behavior and make some real changes to the way you do business. If you do not, the people will continue to make themselves heard.





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[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

Wow! Fantastic letter!!!!! Did you know Goldman is making a ton of money on private prisons? http://occupywallst.org/forum/did-you-know-that-goldman-sachs-is-a-major-investo/

Here's something we can do on 11/11/11 to shine a major light on Goldman's disastrous reign: http://occupywallst.org/forum/call-to-action-111111-goldman-sachs-has-engaged-in/#comment-201448

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

..BRAVO ... and Kudos to Christianne....

This is an inside First Hand Experience that most of us dont get. Read this Whole Topic.

then sign 'The Petition' ..'Stop the Corruption on Wall Street'

( just google that title)

[-] 1 points by stray (219) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

Ouch... the selfishness in this world is amazing sometimes.

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

In April of 2010, this was posted on a financial Message Board, The Petition was Sent to the SEC, Congress, and the White House... Within 2 months.. Goldman Sachs had been Investigated for Fraud and insider trading.. was Fined $500 Mil. Another Petition by the Same Post Author ( Myself),.. was sent out 1 year Before against Goldman Sachs.. and THAT was again a Cause for GS to Be investigated.. Here's the Old Post: http://messages.finance.yahoo.com/Business_%26_Finance/Investments/Stocks_%28A_to_Z%29/Stocks_S/threadview?bn=22318&tid=4811756&mid=4811756

It was the First ON LINE Petition ever from a Message Board, and the other Financial Web Sites picked up on it to help.

Today, we are behind YOU, and all those who are so Outraged by what they actually Experienced.. with ..Another Current Petition to Stop the Corruption on Wall Street.. which is focusing on Goldman Sachs Mafia-Like self serving Abuse of our System.. .. ..Christianna, your topic is going on my Message board, Copied as is, and Pasted in my Web Site.. It is simply a beautifully articulated Message that i am most grateful to you for sharing.

Marlow/ editor of Investors4Jusice.net, Sponsor of 'The On Line Petition .. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/8/stop-the-corruption-on-wall-street/

[-] 1 points by michael123 (25) 13 years ago

Nice piece... I've added your letter to the food for thought section of www.occupywallstmanifesto.org or www.spankthebull.org

this website is an art manifesto of the movement.

[-] 1 points by bing99 (71) 13 years ago

Bookmarked, thank you!

[-] 1 points by OurTimes2011 (377) from Arlington, VA 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Blankass (24) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Nice narrative, I want to watch the movie.