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Forum Post: Lets think about this

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:29 a.m. EST by person123345 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You people dont even know what it is that you want. you have no solution you have nothing because you gave your selves nothing to work with. I am the 99% as well and guess what I lost my home I barely get by. this is called life. suck it up and do something useful about it. Get an education in a field that has employment opportunity, learn budgeting skills and learn to work within your means. no money dont buy it. I guessing most of you voted for Obama which has done nothing to help your cause only hinder it. Here's a thought, occupy the White house a demand a new leader come forth. demand we stop allowing our jobs to be shipped over seas, demand that we stop importing inferior low quality goods. dont just sit on Wall Street like a bunch of hippies, get up and get out and do something useful for you and the country.



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