Forum Post: Let's Take Eminent Domain of the Broadband Lines !!!!
Posted 10 years ago on March 17, 2014, 8:33 p.m. EST by elf3
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Something that should be in the public domain is internet ... it is our main form of communication now and a modern Library of Alexandria - it should be free and it should be available to anyone who wants it... why should we be paying more for communications than we do for utilities? Let's get Communications and the Internet away from private Feudal Lord clutches who are now free to trample Net Neutrality and make you pay for packages like cable while slowing down anyone who can't pay up - put internet in the public domain!!! And tell your local and Federal politicians to stop auctioning off the RF Spectrum - it already belongs to the people!!!
''Here's how we take back the Internet'' - Edward Snowden ('TED' Video) :
''The right to data privacy, he suggests, is not a partisan issue, but requires a fundamental rethink of the role of the internet in our lives — and the laws that protect it.'' Also see : ; and of course ... .
veritas vos liberabit ...
Thank You for posting this - he is absolutely brilliant - never have a seen someone both so brilliant and giving who encompasses the definition of what public service and democracy should be. A few key takeaways here: (in quotes)
privacy has become cheaper by order of magnitude threatening dissonance and protest is not in the public interest
MAGNA CARTA for free and open internet
what a brilliant and selfless hero
I do believe that putting internet into the public domain offers people tha ability to have rights over it - keeping it in the private domain and then government secretly making mandates and partnering with those private entities keeps it in the dark.. a magna carta and public ownership I feel would prevent that (I don't know if Snowden shares this opinion) but I would certainly love to here his opinions on this and would consider them of great value
Bernie Sanders, 'Must Watch / Read' :
“A Threat to American Democracy” (Video and Transcript) : &/or : .
Edward Snowden would approve I think and concur and echo. The Interweb is proving to be a clear threat to The 0.01% Parasitic Global Oligarchy and their corporate minions. Solidarity @ Snowden :
per aspera ad astra ...
The Koch Network: A Cartological Guide
Our joint analysis with the Washington Post of the Koch brothers' labyrinthine network of political groups -- none of which reveal the names of their donors -- showed that the coalition raised more than $400 million during the 2012 election.
As OpenSecrets Blog has previously reported, the network includes both tax-exempt groups and limited liability companies that are, in effect, subsidiaries of the tax-exempt corporations but go by different names, helping to mask how money moves around within the system. Some of the most prominent groups connected to billionaire conservatives Charles and David Koch include the Center to Protect Patient Rights, the existence and role of which was first reported by OpenSecrets Blog, and Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce.
For our collaboration with the Post, we created the graphic below: A Maze of Money more>>>
As much as I Luv Bernie Sanders ... and the income disparity is an issue ... there is a much simpler way to fight it ... than arguing the morality of it... the real issue is how is the massing of wealth being used... If the Koch suckers... were using their wealth to wipe out poverty we would embrace them... so to beat them ... lets hit them with the crimes they are committing... bribery is a crime ... buying politicians is bribery... accepting bribes is a crime... if we push that ... we can beat them....
''The Koch Network : A Cartological Guide'' :
Really is quite a link ! Thanx !! I agree with what you say .. but have you heard of 'The Powell Memo'' ?!!!
I suggest that The Kochs and the recent, utterly outrageous SCOTUS 'McCutcheon' decision - indicates that the 0.01% Parasitic Scum - are working to an old plan, aided and abetted by a Corporate Captured, Controlled and Corrupted Congress. Thus fyi : & also see : .
Democracy As We Know It ... Is A TOTAL Fkn Sham !!!
Consider : ''Morality'' Must Mobilise Mass Movements !!
Expose & Investigate The Oligarchs .. On Every Level !
Now ''McCutcheon Should Become A Rallying Cry for A Campaign to ‘End the Rule of Money’'' :
veritas vos liberabit ...
All that we need and want in common must be done on a non profit basis: of, by and for the people. Put out the economic FIRE that consumes US. And complete the replacement of the elites' Just-Us with genuine economic justice. Communitize energy, medicine, mass transportation and communications too!
Have you taken the poll?
If not - please consider doing it - it is better than a yes no type deal - it gives you the opportunity to voice your thoughts/views and effect world wide opinion/action/strategy.
polls never seem to do much ... sort of like participating in elections - we're drowned out by those with influence (everyone seems to have a backer they bow to) it just tells them what to say publicly - a PR campaign
make the standard internet device a broadcast source tat can relay the internet among us