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Forum Post: let's save our planet from oil and greed!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 3:45 p.m. EST by sjv23 (3)
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[-] 1 points by johnreed (8) 13 years ago

did you know that the computer you are using is using electricity, that is either directly or indirectly produced by coal. Also, the plastic making up the shell of the case, is produced from oil. How about that keyboard and mouse?

Also, do you use the money you make to pay for the cup of latte you drinking while typing such non-sense? Well, that is selfishness, aka greed. You don't need lattes. Do you give away any extra money to the poor or the help feed the starving children of Africa.

I think we need to save the planet alright. You need to only look in the mirror to see whom I think we need to save it from. Capitalism has feed more people and provided more FREE AIDS medicines AND disaster relief to people we don't know than you could ever quantify.

Quite frankly, I think you need to dig deep and push yourself a little harder to make some of that $$$ you so hate, so you can give it away. Put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is. I do.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Capitalism has also made a few filthy rich and in turn allowed them to control the democracy and politics of this country.

[-] 1 points by johnreed (8) 13 years ago

Man..replying to you people is almost pointless.

Let me sum it up this way. I liken capitalism to a force of nature. It just is. Like gravity, electromagnetic, the strong and weak forces.

You can see it in nature. Plants, animals and people. A tree does not grow less to share the sunlight with the tree next to it. Its' goal is to become "filty rich" in sunshine, water and carbon dioxide. Animals don't make a kill and share it benovolently. Sure, animals may cooperate; however, there is a pecking order of who eats first. An example is a pride of lions. The lions that get the major share of meat I guess would be considered the "filthy rich" amongst their pride (whether or not they did the work to get it). The lions do all of a sudden take a slab of meat to the pride down the road. The kill benefits them, they eat their fill and leave. Now, other animials benefit as a consequece.

Regarding capitalism and people. That is how we achieve what the plants and the animals cannot do in a more structured format. Commerce..and free trade. People do what is in their best interest. As a result, they create the goods and services that you enjoy. Oh, and they employee people. So, without those filthy rich people taking risks, creating something out of nothing, you would probably not be typing on the computer of yours expousing this non-sense.

Could you imagine if the government could control gravity. Gezze..we would have been doomed a long time ago. We would have floated off the planet as they would have tried to placate some special interest group. For the record, I don't want private enterprise or the "filty rich" controlling gravity either.

Good luck. Our country was founded on Liberty and Laws. As long as you play within those rules, then you ok by me..poor..rich..I don't care.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Let me help you better understand the laws of nature. As you said, "A tree does not grow less to share the sunlight with the tree next to it. Its' goal is to become "filty rich" in sunshine, water and carbon dioxide." then what happens ?

It grows old, dies(by itself or in a forest fire) and clears the space for the new. Nature doesn't allow hoarding of energy anywhere. Energy always moves and transforms from one form of energy to another.

Money is just a token form of energy. Hoarding of any energy is against the laws of nature. The money the rich earn is not hard earned by sweat or their mental/physical effort. All the money the rich make are made mostly by corrupt business, speculation and gambling. The poor and the middle class have paid for their corrupt business, speculation and gambling in their casino called wallstreet. So yes, they have to pay a fair share in income taxes to pay for their wars and self given tax breaks.

This country which was founded on Liberty and the law grants congress and senate powers to do what is required for General welfare of America. This is as per the constitution of USA.

America as a country will never allow the poor and the needy to bear all the pain when there is no need for them to do so. This for us is the General welfare described by our founding fathers.

Also, keep your "Fend for yourself" ideology to yourself. As a democracy let the people decide what they want.

[-] 1 points by sjv23 (3) 13 years ago

use your dollars to buy what's ethical, buy local, but what has less impact and helps your local communities!

[-] 1 points by sjv23 (3) 13 years ago

use your dollars to buy what's ethical, buy local, but what has less impact and helps your local communities!

[-] 1 points by sjv23 (3) 13 years ago

use your dollars to buy what's ethical, buy local, but what has less impact and helps your local communities!