Forum Post: Lets Really Do Something About This
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 8:53 a.m. EST by IDontKnowWhy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The unfortunate reality is that there is no clear message coming from these gatherings. It is my experience that the general population are not only unaware but, also, genuinely disinterested in what they perceive to be an uprising of hippies who just need to get a job and quit their bitching. And while I am very much aware that this is not the case, I find myself having a hard time finding a single common theme among protesters.
I call for organization! Let us come together! Not in a militant way, but in a peaceful one. If those of us protesting mean what they say they mean, then let us unite, and together we can form a city today where there was none yesterday. We must gather and, as one, create a clear message with clear goals.
We can create a peaceful metropolis of our own ideals from which we can headquarters change. We can systematically take down Corporate America while simultaneously proving to the skeptics that a non-debt driven society can not only survive, but thrive!
Actually, things are going quite well! Here are 11 reasons the movement will succeed.
OWS needs to state its demands clearly and as succinctly as possible, but it needs to do so intelligently and in a strictly non-partisan manner. Make sure your demands are concrete proposals that can get implemented. Avoid broad platitudes. Set-up a working committee to get it done, if you haven't done so already. First write a draft, distribute it and seek comments from the group at large. Modify the demands accordingly after you receive their input. Then publish your demands, which become your platform for change. This isn't an easy task by any means, but it needs to be done so people know exactly what you stand for and what you want to accomplish.
I wouldn't discount this movement as a bunch of hippies whinging and moaning, I think you are underestimating the interest. I think there is one single common theme in all this and that is the current 'system' that we all live under, that runs our societies is fatally flawed and broken. Under this many categories exist and I think this is where the problem lies. Where do we start? how do we stop the cogs from turning over in this monstrous greed driven machine? Getting common messages are all good and well, but what are whinges and complaints without well thought out solutions. I think what we lack are definitive action plans on how to achieve this massive upheaval. Living in a non-debt driven society would mean most people would be giving up their family homes, is this something that will be unanimously agreed upon??? Therein lies the problem I see for most people. They believe in the notion of a world free from greed but are they willing to give up their greed? It is all fine and well to blame corporate greed but this greed is contagious and I think most of us have icked up a mild case of it.
I agree.
This is much (much) bigger than "hippies" or "whining and moaning."
This is about (a) opportunity and (b) our future. About future opportunity being foreclosed upon by the 1%.
This is not a militant movement. It's American Families saying enough is enough.
I would like to see a sign like this........ 1973 Gas Shortage LIES Corp. Greed Today's Gas Prices Continuing success of that Policy
Supply & Demand Supply Gas Demand more $
Excuses / Assholes Corporation have Plenty
We are all united in our desire to see a lawful government. We have witnessed the systematic destruction of the middle-class as well as economic opportunity. We believe in Justice - for all.
We need to translate these shared values into policy demands, and I proposed five: (1) moratorium on foreclosures; (2) student loan amnesty; (3) immediate, unambiguous withdrawal from Iraq; (4) tax on wall st. financial instruments (to fund (2)); and (5) an investigation into the housing bubble, predatory lending, and foreclosure fraud.
While I don't argue that you may have a point with some of these items, having these be our goals will not eliminate the root problem. In my opinion, the root problem - the problem that causes so many other problems - is corporate money influencing our government. I believe that if this problem is addressed and resolved, many of the other problems that exist will either go away, or be much easier to deal with.
Money out of politics!
My only concern is that there is no practical or feasible way to remove money from politics. It always seems to find a way in.