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Forum Post: Let's occupy the capitol

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 10:15 a.m. EST by 1oldteacher (1)
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The occupy Wall Street movement is a great way to exercise our freedom of speech. Let's continue this movement to congress if the super committee can't come up with a plan to get our debt problem under control. OCCUPY CONGRESS. OCCUPY CONGRESS OCCUPY CONGRESS.Spread the word.



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[-] 1 points by 1oldteacher (1) 13 years ago

The point I was trying to make wasn't so much that the national debt was the key problem, but that we have a group of leaders who are paralyzed by their own agendas and not interested in doing what's best for struggling,unemployed Americans. Wall Street is a big problem,but congress is even a bigger problem.OCCUPY CONGRESS.

[-] 1 points by tonybaldwin (235) from New Haven, CT 13 years ago

I'm far more concerned with unemployment and abuse of our government by corporate lobby control than I am with debt. If we put people back to work, take care of our people, the debt will take care of itself.

[-] 1 points by Arclight (9) 13 years ago

Great points, and don't forget that the Unions are some of the worst offenders. In 2010 the AFSCME funneled 87.5 million dollars to politicians. This union is made up of government employees, so they are essentially taking our money (tax payers) and using to buy influence to get more of our money (tax payers). This sick cycle of financial abuse must end!

[-] 1 points by tonybaldwin (235) from New Haven, CT 13 years ago

Unions lobby politicians to express, support and defend the will of union workers. Corporate lobbyists, on the other hand, simply buy politicians in order to gain control of regulatory agencies, dismantle regulatory protection, labor protections, and environmental protections in order to bypass such regulations and make greater profit at the expense of the environment, the people, and their exploited laborers, as well as institute regulations that hobble their smaller competitors, so that they can continue to monopolize and control markets.
There's a big difference.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Here's a roadmap to occupying congress should it have to go that far, and it's looking decidedly like that is the situation: https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

[-] 1 points by Arclight (9) 13 years ago

You hit the nail on the head. Crony capitalism has to end. Fannie and Freddie are receiving billions as we speak. How many more Solyndras are in the works? We can put an end to this now and save our country trillions of dollars. Let's all go to Washington and put an end to this crony madness!

It would finally give this movement an objective that is concrete and accomplish-able.

[-] 0 points by GordonGekk0 (3) 13 years ago

Wall Street is NOT the problem. Congress is. Wealth is often based on how well you respond to "shake-down" demands by Congress and the President: Read and Listen to an actual shake down caught on tape: “Want to be considered for the job? Then pay up”. And here’s one example – you can even follow a link and listen for yourself: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/Politics/dialing-dollars-democratic-rep-asks-lobbyist-campaign-cash/story?id=11655808.