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Forum Post: Let's not forget the Bad Apples...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 9:12 p.m. EST by KerryRawe (47)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Enron nearly destroyed Blockbuster. Remember Enron? Bad Apples.

Let's use this thread as the list. Below, list your "Bad Apple". This would be a corporation. And with this, list why. I.E. BP - Blantant Pollution. Worldcom - greed, fraud. G.E. - tax dodgers. Enron - Fraud, greed. PG&E - pollution. AT&T - monopoly, price gouging.

We must never forget those who tresspass against the 99%. And a word to the wise - any offensive comments out you as part of the problem. This isn't about you. It's about justice.

Update: The comments are coming in. And fantastic ones too. Keep it up!



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[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

Bank of America: gouged retailers for the "privilege" of accepting their debit cards, now trying to gouge consumers for using debit cards, and just offloaded the liability for steaming $53 trillion turd comprised of poor-grade derivatives to depositors (and by extension the FDIC). I'm not particularly fond of a lot of corporations, but I feel like that last stunt by BoA should earn it a very special place in our hearts.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Texas Instruments, gutted their entire at-home manufacturing and moved it to guess where, that's right, China. All employees making the stuff got canned, suddenly and without warning, and no severance.

BP. Their stupidity devastated the fish and wildlife in and around the Gulf, and destroyed the small independent fishers as well. BP CEOs shed crocodile tears then ran off.

Wal-mart, in collusion with Bank of America, exterminates small business wholesale wherever they park their giant repositories of crappy Chinese made crap.

[-] 1 points by KerryRawe (47) 13 years ago

Winning. Great job. Very true. And a trophy to you for best multiple use of the word "crap" in a sentence...

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Monsanto - putting small farmers out of business, patenting food, selling poison