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Forum Post: Let's make our internet free again.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 4:10 a.m. EST by cklau (10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Dear forum ;

Once upon a time, we surf the internet without to pay anything. Then come along these greedy ISP and charge USD 2 per 100MB because our government let them.Now let's make our internet free once again.



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[-] 1 points by imrational (527) 13 years ago

Sorry, but I do not support this goal.

I support freedom of speech... I support net neutrality. I do not support giving free internet EXCEPT at public libraries & schools.

[-] 1 points by Aussiegal (7) 13 years ago

Well that's idealistic but they do have costs, including labour cost!

[-] 1 points by cklau (10) 13 years ago

Haven't we paid to our telco for the equipment (i.e modems,cellular phone's and etc) to connect to their network already? Also we are paying our telco monthly line rental fees on top of activation fees, not to mentioned the tax that we paid and they keep are we not? If so why do they still want to charge us for something that our ISP does nothing, like I am typing these words to this forums. It's my work not my ISP and why should I pay for my own labour cost? For the words that we have type to this forum ? The fact is these monster making tons of money out of thin air and we support them makes them greed.

[-] 1 points by mattthecapitalist (157) 13 years ago

Nothing is ever free. Welcome to the real World