Forum Post: Let's make list: name your demand!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 10:01 a.m. EST by blankcheck
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
one per person; try to keep it breif...
re-institute Provision Q of Glass-Steagal by seperating commercial banks (main street) from investment banks (wall street).
Greetings Folks, Please read 'The Way Forward' by the New America Foundation. It is the answer to our world's problems. There is an article about it in the New York Times called 'This Time It's Different.' It's a great article. These people are on your side, and they've got clout, intellectual and otherwise. I wish you well... John O'Grady
End the payroll tax
every american should be able to support themselves working 40 hours a week for ONLY 3 months out of each year. it seems to me that there are many more people on this planet than jobs the NEED to be done. Some things people fail to miss when they ask for more jobs is the Jobs lead to unnecessary consumption of natural resources, Additional pollution generated by the transportation of the person to the work place AND raw materials to the manufacturing area and energy consumed to manufacture products. All of which is totally unnecessary if we are just consuming for the sake of producing so someone can have a job.
Should young people be left to there free will there will always be some that want to play all the time and some that want to grow up to be doctors and many in between. They will grow up to be the unskilled worker and the doctor and the everything in between. If they only NEED to work 3 months as a contribution to general society collecting garbage or working in the ER, I'm sure they each in there own way will be happy. More importantly they will have 9 months to spend with family members, nurture children, philosophize, share knowledge, and hopefully travel the world sharing culture and ideas.
Stop Corporations and Unions from buying congress votes.
More Civil rights secured.
It's great to discuss demands. I respectfully ask that you please just keep the following in mind I couldn't agree more. Millions of Americans are realizing that they weren't alone in feeling unease. Soon the majority of Americans will be awake to the fact that we're all in the same boat and we have the power. We, the 99% will finally realize what we have in common. Once we get to that point, we will be able to make decisions from a position of unity and strength rather than demands from a position of weakness and division. Please see this link for my view on the gameplan short term/long term. Here's how we win:
Campaign finance reform
stop big money from influencing the government, tax reform