Forum Post: Let's help the 1% get off welfare take a bath and get a job
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 10:54 a.m. EST by demcapitalist
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Bringing back Glass/Steagall, the law that separated retail banks from investment banks would be a great start. That way when a wall street bank gambles away all their money and more it won't be tied to our bank deposits or our taxpayer funded FDIC insurance. I know it will be hard for them, they grew up in a bad neighborhood where they were dependent on taxpayer handouts but I think if we help them they could become self sufficient. Sometimes you need to use tough love and just kick them out of the welfare system.
Very nice. I get tired of reading comments that assume that OWS'ers want government handouts written by people doing nothing about huge government handouts to wall street, big oil, and big food. Those same welfare recipients will tell you how they believe in the free market ------------I guess like people believe in ghosts Santa clause and the Easter bunny
+1, back at ya with The Zombie Bank Death Squad/ What You Gonna Do