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Forum Post: Let's Go Shopping: Don't forget your pepper spray!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 5:14 a.m. EST by Idaltu (662)
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Shoppers who had come to the Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch on Thursday night for the much-advertised Black Friday sale got more than they bargained for when a woman used pepper spray to gain an advantage. Anna Recalde’s teenage children were hit with the spray. At one point, she said, she smelled her 16-year-old son and asked him, "What is that?" "Mom," he replied, "I was just pepper-sprayed." Recalde’s 13-year-old daughter, Samantha, said she saw a woman wearing a black hoodie make a sweeping motion of her hand with a bottle of pepper spray, sending it into the air near customers. "She said, ‘Back!’ " Samantha said. "I was just trying to close my eyes." The girl said she was punched in the face by another customer as she tried to grab a crock pot for her grandmother, leaving her with a swollen cheek. Her mother said store employees were trying to keep the sale organized but that shoppers became too aggressive. "There was fighting inside," said Anna Recalde, who had not shopped on Black Friday before. "This is my first time and the last time."



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[-] 2 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

This type of shopping event brings out the worst in people. As long as people keep going there it will continue. Go to a consignment shop and find crock pots, clothes people got bored with, china, cooking utensils....maybe it's good she went and found out what it is like when people are driven by their base instincts.


[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

It should be renamed.......black& blue Friday.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

And guns. You just never know when you are going to leave Walmart and then be robbed for what you just bought. http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_19410477

[-] 1 points by Sinaminn (104) from Sarasota, FL 13 years ago

All over video games from the reports I've read. People literally destroyed the display.

[-] 1 points by beamerbikeclub (414) 13 years ago

Why is this making me laugh...?! It's so not funny. But it is!

[-] -3 points by tomcat68 (298) 13 years ago

Shiiiiit. yall be just puttin down black people postin dis shit. lyin ass white people. we know how to ack in publik.

[-] 1 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

I thought the post stated she was wearing a black hoodie, not a black person. BTW last time I bought shampoo at Walmart, some black women pushed me aside, so no, not all people know how to act in public, regardless of color. I'm disabled too, so bonus points for them. Racism knows no color boundaries, it goes both ways. And don't point the finger, I'm Auntie to two black children, soon to be three. We will never unite until people stop looking for the bad and assuming the worst.

[-] 2 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

.. and last time I was at walmart some disabled guy in a automatic wheelchair ran over my foot! It hurt, those things are heavy.. it's true! so yeah, not all disabled people know how to act in public either.

[-] 1 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

true, those carts are scarey, glad to be on my feet again

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

:) I am happy to hear that as well.

[-] 0 points by tomcat68 (298) 13 years ago

i saw the video tape. yes she was black and NO not all idiots are black and NO i'm not racist.


just go vote for Osama again in 2012 and show the world we are not only Ignorant but Stupid yes, in this case in LA the BLACK WOMAN used her brilliant ingenuity of a pepper spray plan to eliminate the competition to buy with Their welfare check what She wanted to buy with hers. Period

[-] 1 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

My point is/was that anyone can be #1 racist and #2 selfish. Your original post that I replied to stated that white people are lying about the incident. I guess I missed the *sarcasm point of it. And really do you know she gets a welfare check? Now who is being biased? Anyone that shops on Black Friday is misguided, greedy and pretty much doesn't think pass the next latte. Luckily no one died this year, at least not from what I've heard/read. Your hatred is showing and it's wearing thin.

[-] 2 points by tomcat68 (298) 13 years ago

yea you are right.

i was just making a bad joke.

course i laugh a little again when i think about it.


nahh not really.

yeaaaa. lol i do.

hate? seriously, no

[-] 1 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

gez I do sound self-righteous now that I come back and read this lulz what a puz I am sometimes sorry ;)