Forum Post: Let's get on point and make a point!!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 18, 2011, 10:39 p.m. EST by bllunsfo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We have the power and always have. Ignore all party lines and vote against whomever is trying to get re-elected in mass numbers. When you cause a massive turnover in congress you will set the agenda and they will listen. A part of congress comes up for re-election every two years in someones district or another. Within 6 years you can send them all packing and they can't do a thing but whine about it. Let this be the one thing everyone can agree and focus on, fight on!!!!
You are talking to Americans. It falls on deaf ears every time...
Consumable wealth for living expenditures must be limited. The richest person can consume only 20 times the poorest. Wealth which is spend for consumption should be redistributed. Bill Gates, Obama can only consume 20X when a janitor consumes 2X, safety net is 1X which is enough for shelter, food, health, education. If you want more than that, want a car, and travelling, you should be working to earn more than 1X, anybody who can work should get at least 2X which can lead to home ownership if spend wisely. Safety net, 1X, should allow people to grow intellectually so they can still give back to society however they like. Everybody owes to society all the time. Personal consumption can not go over 20X, because if you build a mansion, you rule, and we are no longer equal politically. Your wealth and economic power will give you connections and political power. Society invests in social, economic, politic infrastructure, create more social and humane contract for society. Bill Gates can spend 20X a year, and can have as much investment money as possible. Nobody can have a chunk of this world, the world is holly and precious. The most productive, talented and hard worker can earn 20X max, when a burger guy earns 2X, and unfortunate can have safety net of X. People do science and contribute to society based on love for humanity, justice, truth, knowledge. The system is same because Bill Gates can have unlimited resources but can only consume 20X, so his home is maximum 20 times larger than a burger guy's home. We owe our lives to every living creature who existed, suffered through time through existence, we owe ourselves to other human being who creates the gene pool, the society and the possibility of existence of us. We owe our lives to all other people around the world. We can not become kings and queens through corrupt organizations such as states. States are for to level the field, to bring justice and equality. State can not become center of power. It will be corrupted. One simple legislation can bring you this new world which will transform your lives and the world. Economic system will be more productive. What do you say?
Good idea.
It seems that you are off point, Read the home page of this website, It says that we want to see a general assembly on every street corner and that we don't need Wall Street and we don't need politicians to show us how to build a better society, That, it would seem, is the premise on which this website is built, though clearly many contributors here either do not believe that or choose not to pay any attention to it,
Yea, but no. The 99% aren't unified enough or angry enough yet. The 2012 elections will be a business as usual campaign unless OWS can unify itself into a large enough voice. The National General Assembly gives the 99% that unified voice sufficient power to affect 2012 to some degree. The beauty of it is that if the next RepubliCrat government acts on the NGA's demands, great, then it will start making more demands. But if the government choses to ignore the demands, the NGA can go back to the people and PROVE the bad faith of the elected members of congress and their parties. Then you'll see real anger. Then you'll see real House cleaning:
" V. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that IF the PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES approved by the 876 Delegates of the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY in consultation with the NINETY-NINE PERCENT OF THE PEOPLE, is not acted upon within a reasonable time and to the satisfaction of the Delegates of the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY, said Delegates shall reconvene to utilize the grassroots network established in the election of the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY to organize a new INDEPENDENT POLITICAL PARTY to run candidates for every available Congressional seat in the mid-term election of 2014 and again in 2016 until all vestiges of the existing corrupt corporatocracy have been eradicated through the power of the ballot box."
NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia
It's an interesting strategy of upsetting the entire apple cart. The staggered removal of current members might allow newbies enough of an adjustment period to keep a level of sustainability alive within the system while new blood seeped in to change it drastically.