Forum Post: Lets flood the white house with e-mails day in day out.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 3:36 a.m. EST by 5310
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I like many others can not protest as so many brave souls are around the world, but we can make are voices heard by flooding the white house with e-mails day in day out. I will be sending an e-mail every day from this day forth saying, I am one of the 99% and I need help, as the rest of the 99% do. Please act on behalf of human decency and compassion, and break our bonds of despair, and liberate us from the 1%. Sorry I'm sure this has been posted before.
Thank you for the suggestions I will start doing both. I hope more join in, just one person alone will not make the needed impact.
Postal mail is more effective because someone has to open it and its significantly more work to address. Think of the pile of paper a really devices issue creates!
"Lets flood the white house with e-mails day in day out."
And they hit delete day in and day out.
They ain't listening and they don't care. We have to accept the fact that Obama is a banker butt boy.
Filtered straight to the trashcan.
Try variations day to day. Like spelling ninety-nine percent.
Good luck with the idea tho. ;-)