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Forum Post: Let's fix one thing in our lifetime. The Corporate community in America should resolve to solve one problem....Homelessness...

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 2:22 a.m. EST by newearthorder (295)
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I know homelessness is a very complicated problem, there are chronically homeless individuals who would rather live in the streets, and alleys, and woods, because that is where they are comfortable. There are many homeless who have addictions, that also should be addressed. But, taking care of those who just simply have no where to go should be done without any argument. There is no reason for this to happen in America.

I would ask the movement to ask every member of congress to craft a bill requiring all corporations to pay into a fund that will go to resolve homelessness in America. I'm betting it could be done for 0.01% of gross income. there will be no way to get out of paying this tax. It's something that might raise the price of gas a penny, or a car made in the USA, $5.00. Is that too much to ask to say we solved this problem, once and for all,...our generation,..we did this,..it can happen,..we can do it...Is it not a worthy cause?



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[-] 0 points by newearthorder (295) 13 years ago

Come on peeps,..lesdodis!