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Forum Post: Let's continue to change the world... and have fun while doing it!

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 1:38 a.m. EST by OccupyTheForestGuy (35)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I've been watching the world change because people are finally pissed off enough to start thinking about what is really happening behind the scenes. I've been watching the EU putting new governments into position and I haven't seen anyone with morality or humanity placed at the head of the new governments. I've watched trillions of US dollars shifted from people's pockets into the coffers of a few corporations.

And, I've watched people getting gassed for standing up to all of this.

I won't call it war, but that's because "war" has come to mean exercising technology for profit, at the expense of human life.

But, it really is Us against Them. They have all the tech weapons. We have the motivation, humanity and smarts. I'll put my money on US!

I've enlisted a few friends to help in this endeavour. You can meet them at www.occupytheforest.net

This is a work in motion, and I don't have a lot of time to work on it, but...

Check it out. Fight the good fight. Get ready for a long winter, but remember that the sun will soon be returning to a world that will be changing. That's because "They" can't see the forest, for the trees...

I've seen a few sites in similar veins to mine. I believe that they have good responses. I'm just hoping to entertain a bit and hopefully bring a smile to a tired Occupiers face. I know that would please my friends, too.



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[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

Great Post!

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

I love the link and recommend it to everyone! (Btw puff down there is a sock puppet, and a relatively offensive one)....Keep up the great work! I needed that!

[-] 1 points by OccupyTheForestGuy (35) 13 years ago

gnomunny, that's ok. I work in education and recognize preadolescents when I encounter them. Who knows, he may even grow up to have some understanding of politics and people!

I've seen a few of his comments. I suspect delayed social maturity and would recommend a screening for FASD. There may be hope for him, if he gets help.

I came here to offer one little form of entertainment, but I see puffy, and a few others, have already volunteered.