Forum Post: lets celebrate some victories!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 12:38 p.m. EST by Mark01
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
ATTENTION PLEASE With all the recent bank transfers to credit unions, i had a thought. With every new home loan and even car loans from those credit unions we should throw a celebration. Think less of it less as a conventional rally and think of it more as block parties. Think barbecues and DJ's. All in honor of and in solidarity with Occupy Wall st. and the local credit union. Have credit union... reps and the new home owners give thanks the OWS and the credit union. It'll give a really positive face to OWS if everyone in their own backyards can see a positive result from OWS. Lets have victories to celebrate, and let the media cover it. It'll be a great step for occupy 2.0. It has the possibility to increase our support exponentially block by block community by community. Also it can also be used as sales pitches to increase more bank transfers. It will require alot of organizing but i think it's something we should all look into. It'll also be great for regions with high foreclosures. I'm gonna propose this to my GA and I encourage you all to do the same in ur local GA. Let me know if you think this is possible and worth looking into. Also police would be hard pressed to try to rationalize shutting down a rally like that.