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Forum Post: Lets Be Peacefully Clear with Our Message

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:42 a.m. EST by veyagus (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I applaud this united effort. I have been saying that this need to happen for ten years. A revolution of the masses. My father told me it was not right to say because revolution is ugly, war. As I told him it does not need to be and everyone around the world is proving it. One point I want to make we need to be clear in our message as I think every one is aware of. Unfortunately this is just the first step to this movement. I think to keep this movement going and send a clear message, that we are the 99% we need to pick, A bank, Such as Bank of America, an Oil company,, such as BP, etc and boycott them till fall to their knees and do this one by one until they all see that we are the 99% and they are in our hands and we are not in theirs. At that point they will understand they have no choice but to change. We need to come up with a clear set of actions, compromises, and tolerants. We can do this peacefully.



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[-] 1 points by OnePeople (103) 13 years ago

This movement should unite behind a common goal that nearly everyone can agree to. Something that will resonate across america, and be echoed by those who would otherwise remain inside their homes as well as those who leave their areas of comfort.