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Forum Post: Let us unite. We are but one people in the 99 percentile.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:31 p.m. EST by Ihatehippies (17)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Smelly hippies. Please get out of the park. You smell like shit, stinking up the streets of NYC. All of your work will be all but null at the end,and you know what, you still won't have jobs. You aren't changing anything, and you aren't making progress. Please go inside and continue your lives as they once were. I wish I was a cop in NY because I would have a field day on your smelly asses. This is a warning; if you don't leave now you're probably going to acquire a disease that's a mixture of hepatitis and pneumonia, and you're all probably going have herpes from all the stuff you're sharing if you haven't gotten it already.

Sincerely, Your Fucking Stupid



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[-] 1 points by Ihatehippies (17) 13 years ago

like B2K lets Bump, Bump, Bump, this back to the top. Get trolled.

[-] 1 points by Mcc (542) 13 years ago

Fellow protestors: It is very important that we address the obscene concentration of wealth without regard for name, face, industry, ect. We must also disregard what the rich claim to 'give back'. The bottom line is all that matters. Consider this: There are 10 hungry children and 12 sandwiches. If one child takes a second sandwich to satisfy his larger than average appetite, the other 9 children will still get a sandwich each with one to spare. If two children each take a second sandwich, the equation still works for all. But if one or more children take 3 or 4 or 5 sandwiches for themselves, hunger is the direct result. If one child (let's call her Oprah just for the sake of discussion) decides to take 5 sandwiches for herself and 'gives back' one for the less fortunate, then at least one other child must go without. Unless of course, the other children each share one bite. But if Oprah takes 8 sandwiches and 'gives back' 3, then at least two other children will go hungry. And so on and so on. Bottom line: There must be some reasonable limit. Unfortunately, there isn't with our current system. We also have not taken any real steps as a society to prevent our wealth from being horribly concentrated. Charity just doesn't cut it when the rich refuse to settle for anything. We don't need anymore millionaire 'humanitarians'. We need fewer millionaires. It does not matter how much they 'give back'. Afterall, all of them do. Every corporation, every politician, and every single celebrity. It doesn't matter. It will never work this way. It does not matter how much they 'give back'. It matters how much they keep. Please keep this vital equation in mind. Otherwise, there will never be a more reasonable distribution of wealth and resources.

It does not matter how much the super rich 'give back'. They still keep way too much.

[-] 1 points by Mcc (542) 13 years ago

Don't fall for it fellow protestors. Those who want us to shut up about greed are saying this crap in an attempt to break our will. We must press forward regardless of what the rich and their goons say. After all, if we we so insifigant, there wouldn't be any need to insult us. Don't fall for it. This cause is just and terribly overdue.