Forum Post: Let us look to our future - Let us demand Direct Democracy
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 3:37 a.m. EST by shreepal
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Wth the advancement of science and technology today, as ever, a new and better economic way-of-life is coming into existence. In this new economic way-of-life, the human-element involved in the production-process (in the forms of hunters of tribal society or land-tillers of feudal society or laborers/workers of industrial society) would be replaced, for the first time in human history, by a completely non-human element of artificial intelligence in the form of automated robotics production. This non-human element, for the first time in human history, would almost completely eliminate the need of human beings in commodities production-process.
On the strength of already available technology (like digital-software, nano-technology, bio-computers, DNA-engineering etc.), we can forecast that very soon the employment of laborers to operate machines to produce commodities would become a thing of the past. To make this new economic way-of-life work smoothly, which social way-of-life is going to become the need of the new situation? Here comes a dilemma before the human race and a turning point in her civilization. There would be available only two alternative courses, both opposite to each other, to choose from in order to allow the new economic way-of-life to work smoothly; firstly, allow the capital to run the automated production-process and let the major part of humanity remain unemployed for want of work (and, of course, make provisions to fire fight against global mass discontent); or, secondly, allow sea of humanity (through info-technologically empowered democracy) to run the automated production and let the capital starve of investment opportunity (and, again, be ready to face social turmoil caused by the deprived capital). The inevitable consequences that would ensue on following one of these two alternatives do not augur well for the immediate future of the peace loving humanity.
When these two available alternatives to meet the need of this new economic way-of-life are compared for the purpose of ascertaining their respective likelihood of their adoption in near future, we find strong reasons to support the premise that the global human population will not allow a situation where they are condemned to remain unemployed for all times to come. But what can a lot of disadvantaged and unorganized mass of human beings do in face of the bitter opposition of the privileged and organized capital that is globally well-entrenched? Here comes the role of mind and reason in the forward movement of humanity.
Are we ready to work for an economic way-of-life where the capital would be denied the right to invest in production process? Are we ready to empower people by the adoption of info-technology in running our democracy? Are we ready to choose or reject our political leaders who may have put us in the present dismal conditions by demanding that info-technology be used for DAILY elections of our political leaders? Do we understand the importance of this measure, a measure that would impose an iron discipline of people on our political leaders and capital?
What is Direct Democracy? read at:
Direct democracy is very dangerous for those of us in the minority, like the disabled and the elderly. In a direct democracy, the 51% majority can democratically take away our civil liberties or even our lives. That is why we have a republic, to protect the civil liberties of the minority.
Exactly. Some issues cannot be voted on.
Direct democracies are dangerous and don't work very well. Just use a system like Canada, it's pretty good.