Forum Post: Let us expose CUNY and Dr. Peter M. Bookstein
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 8:36 p.m. EST by stevenkwang2000
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Let us expose CUNY and Dr. Peter M. Bookstein: to see how much taxpayer’s money become criminal money, to see how much tuition become criminal money, to see what criminal action they did, to see what criminal trade they did.
A student of the City University of New York is attacked by radiation weapon (You can type “Directed Energy Weapon” in Google to get information of this kind of weapon). The guy public his situation. But the radiation weapon attackers collude with the City University of New York. They produce a conspiracy: The CUNY let the guy come to Wellness Center of CUNY to talk. There the City University of New York called the 911 for Police and EMS to send the guy to the Emergency Room of the Bellevue Hospital and the guy was locked in the mental hospitals for two years. The City University of New York concocted the guy took off clothes and etc. Actually the guy did not do that. One of main operators in this event is Dr. Peter M. Bookstein. In Bellevue Hospital the guy planed to go to court to get out of hospital. Then a man who was not in the treatment group and not in that department either (maybe he did not belong to Bellevue Hospital too) came to the hospital negotiated with the guy: If the guy accepts he has mental ill, they will not only let the guy continue studying in the CUNY but can also find a job for this guy. The guy did not agree this agreement. Then the man said: later you will regret my offering price! On 2003 the weapon attackers produced a car accident for the guy and the car was totally lost. The guy wanted to keep his car for investigation but the weapon attackers did not want him to tow his car back and keep it. Then the weapon attackers colluded with the City University of New York again: Made a trade with the guy: The City University of New York gave the guy a check (Description is: Construction Fund Fee Income Account, and amount is: $2435.00) and increased financial aid for that guy also.