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Forum Post: Let Them Eat Cake Day! Friday, October 28, 2011

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 3:21 a.m. EST by LetThemEatCake2011 (43)
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Let Them Eat Cake Day! Friday, October 28, 2011

The history behind the phrase “Let them eat cake”:

In the late 1700s, philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau described the ignorance of the French monarchy regarding the state of conditions of the working class. Peasants were struggling to survive. Upon hearing that the peasants did not have any bread to eat, a great princess responded: “Let them eat cake!” The irony, of course, being that cake was more expensive than bread. This one phrase showed just how apathetic the elite truly were towards the citizens of France. In 1789, the common people decided to band together and rise up; stormed the Bastille, and eventually were successful in ousting the royal monarchy.

What this means for us in 2011:

Bake or bring your favorite cake to Zuccotti Park (or any one of the 150+ Occupy protests nationwide, for that matter) on 10/28. We will unite and share our cake with the rest of the 99% - protestors, tourists, pedestrian passer-bys, reporters, peace officers – and anyone else that wants to take part. Let this day be a display of our unity. And lastly, let this be a display of our dissatisfaction with a political system that is governed by the rich, for the rich.

Spread the word! Bring your favorite cake to Zuccotti Park on 10/28!



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[-] 2 points by wriseup (2) 13 years ago

I would like to promote worldwide "Cake Day" as the follow-up event for #Oct15, as I think it is motivating for all folx out there to know "what's the next step". How about the Hashtags #ows #oct28 #CakeDay ??? You can reach me at @wRiseUp, I'm an independent activist with the ISM platform (International Student Movement of FB). Also, there will be Global Weeks of Action for Education in November, #Nov17 being the big International Day of Action for Education, I would like the #Occupy movement to join this event - but it's too early now to be the "next step", so I want to pre-announce it to you for now, please help to stop the commercialization of education ! Thank you & solidarity greetings from Vienna, Austria, Jürgen

[-] 1 points by LetThemEatCake2011 (43) 13 years ago

Excellent. Create events on Facebook if you'd like for 10/28. The reason why it was chosen as 10/28 is to give it enough time to build up steam worldwide. We have over two weeks to spread the word. No time to waste!

[-] 1 points by LetThemEatCake2011 (43) 13 years ago

Feel free to repost, create email chains, create Facebook events, flyers, etc.

Let's make it happen!