Forum Post: Let the rich be rich... but let the will of the people be done...
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 25, 2011, 2:41 a.m. EST by toukarin
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
To be clear... I dont hate the rich for being rich. I dont hate the CEOs for paying themselves so much. Heck they might even deserve it all...
What ticks me off is that the very wealthy now control politics. That they have effectively subjugated the "will of the people" in government.
It ticks me off that so many laws and regulations have been tailored to suit the desires of the very wealthy rather than the needs of the rest.
It ticks me off that after a near cataclysmic failure of our economic system, its simply business as usual for the most part.
It ticks me off that some of these people cry about how reducing their tax breaks will 'inhibit their ability to create jobs' when they are actively downsizing their workforce even with those breaks in place...
Stop corporate financing in politics, make the acceptance of such financing equivalent to bribery...
If corporations now claim that spending money to support certain politicians is merely the use of their right to "Freedom of Speech" how about the fact that it impedes the common mans right to free speech by simply drowning his voice out?
Does being rich mean that you should have MORE "Freedom of Speech" than the common man?
By golly if we are all allowed to cast only one vote, surely we must all be allowed to contribute only a certain (and small) amount of money to our favored politician...
Let the rich be rich... but let the will of the people be done...