Forum Post: Let the 1% make a list of demands of us.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 7:44 p.m. EST by earechel
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The 1% know what we want. Let them come to us with a list of demands that we can debate and look over. If we make a list it will be degraded, torn apart, and laughed at. We should keep on occupying everything we can until the 1% come to us on their knees. We must not give them, the 1%, any ideas at to what we will appease us.
I'm not sure they are interested in our collection of guillotines, now on display down at the French Revolution Museum, Bar, and Grill... But, I bet we can let 'em have it if they play their cards just right...
The problem is they can't give you what you want, only you can. It's really that simple. And Until we get that through our heads we will continue to lose.
FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM Read “Common Sense 3.1” at ( )
Amen to that!
Ya, you're right but selling us your book doesn't help. Get the info free LEARN PEOPLE
It's not my book and how else do you teach stupid people? Free info has been around for centuries. Is that your solution? Thanks anyway. You get what you pay for (I-pads, ring-tones, cell phones etc...) all the crap that can't help you.
FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM OsiXs (More Power and Technology to the People!)
You go to the link I posted-only reason I bother on these forums is to teach folks. That link contains the best compilation of facts regarding the subversion of our republic I've ever come across. Until people know how they were fooled-there's little hope. In just reading the introductory to your book link, the typos and misused words (FATHOM the depths not phantom) I don't need to spend 14$ to know it's worthless. Spend a little time reading through the gemworld link. If you are here to learn, you will find value there. Free
Is that what you're hung up on is free. Are you so blinded that you can't see the ideas on the site alone. I didn't give a link to book introduction. It is a link to Revolution 2.0. I found something worthwhile to stand for. What do you stand for? There are lots of books on the site and links to videos. Dude! - get a life. You don't get it. And it's not my book. I would like to take credit for it but haven't read it or any of the other books. There's enough info on the site for me. I will get the book when I can afford it. Most people know they are fools and have been fooled. That's a given. That's what you don't get. OWS is here because people are tired of being fools. People don't want to hear more tired armchair activists like your crappy site. People are tired of hearing what's wrong with the U.S. They want to know what the heck to do about it. Your site is not only ugly, it adds nothing to the solution let alone fixing the huge problems we have in this country. Your words - "reason I bother on these forums is to teach folks". Give me a break.You have nothing to teach with your tired website. Put something interesting and original on it and maybe someone will notice. Don't be jealous. I think their site is ugly too. But at least they provide some new thinking. Now fuck off!
Oh, I forgot:
OsiXs (The Nuclear Option)
Ok, shill, since you have neither learned, nor looked at the content of our discussion, I will post again so folks can decide on their own. YOU are hung up on "new" which is why you fail to realize that this "new world order" is in fact very old, that free is not a problem in and of itsself. The Old World Order is the problem. Until you learn real history, all the new in the world can't compete with facts you choose to ignore (free or not). Just so happens to cost nothing-and you have a problem with that FACT...prefer to shill for something you have not read. Brilliant position. Fail. YOU haven't even read the book you are pushing down my throat?! That is utterly nonsensical. how old are you-13?
Check this shit Out! I want you to speak truth to power!. Say it once, say it twice. Say it loud. Say it proud. I'm down with the KTC. The Revolution starts here!
The Revolution starts here! No one can silence the Revolution!
Ummm...., I don't think the 1% is spending much time worrying about us. They could care less what we want.
Keep arguing with each other and watching tv.