Forum Post: Less Actions/Local Locations for Bigger Numbers
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 5:07 a.m. EST by isupportoccupywallstreet
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There are so many events, but not enough people attending them. There need to be huge numbers to make a societal impact like the Arab Spring.
Is it possible to have less actions or if there is an action, can it be at one location, locally, so there is more impact, more people wherever we go?
For example, the Squdding Expedition on Mon Dec 12 has 6 locations. It's a weekday, it's cold, people are holiday crazed, there is not likely to be a huge turnout, so sending people off to 6 different places will make the event look pretty poorly attended.
When things are poorly attended they do not help the movement, in fact, it makes it look dwindling and weak.
If they all go to Goldman Sachs it might seem like more of a crowd.
Big numbers make much more of an impact.
Please share your thoughts. Thank you.