Forum Post: Leonardo DiCaprio Is At Fault For The Poor Economy!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:01 p.m. EST by ProudSocialist
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Leonardo DiCaprio is a ripoff actor! His salary is bankrupting our country to live is greedy rich life style.
Have you ever gone to the movies and said these tickets are too expensive? or question why you have to pay more for products that endorse films with Leonardo DiCaprio? Have you ever questioned the movie and the people behind the movie what they make in earnings?
Well guess what; Leonardo DiCaprio gets $20 to $40 million per movie, that’s per film salary. The average time for an actor to film as an actor is about 40 days work, if you average 30 days work at $20 million that’s about $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 dollars an hour depending on the days of the film is laid out in. All 5 star hotel expenses, traveling first class and all, all paid for besides the actors salary.
Leonardo DiCaprio earnings
Annual: USD 77,000,000.00 +
Monthly: USD 6,416,666.00
Weekly: USD 1,540,000.00
Daily: USD 308,000.00
Leonardo DiCaprio is getting Per film average from $20 to $40 million plus 10% to 20% gross earnings (depending on contract) as well and also lifetime royalties. That means he is getting paid for movies he starred in 15 years ago and still getting a paycheck for doing nothing. Many people who have worked on the set with him making low wages back then are getting absolutely no royalities or benefits even 15 years or so year later. Leonardo DiCaprio is just ranking in the bank checks living life large and expects royal treatment, regardless if the average US salary is $31,000 a year, think Leonardo DiCaprio cares, oh course not. He wants his $31,000. an hour, talk about greedy, this actor has no respect on the US economy in recession and shows no respect for sturggling families trying to get buy, he is flying high in his private jet, traveling, vacation more than working, you name it, easy life for Leonardo DiCaprio.
Leonardo DiCaprio driving a brand new 2011 $320,000.00 Ferrari down the street and mega million dollar homes to go to, what about those people working for $8.00 an hour? You think Leonardo DiCaprio thinks about how hard people work and how they have to earn a living? What if we took Leonardo DiCaprio and said Leonardo, we have a movie and we need an actor for it. We have a limited budget. We can only pay you $10.00 an hour and if that isn’t enough $100.00 an hour maybe. What do you think Leonardo DiCaprio would say? Take a guess. Just imagine it? $20 million per film salary to work for $10.00 or $100.00 an hour, do you think he would work for it? If not, how many Americans right now would want to make $10.00 an hour in a bad recession economy? If Leonardo DiCaprio said no and you said yes, how does that make you feel and how does it make Leonardo DiCaprio feel. Cheap versing not enough.
If you feel this is wrong and disgusted with Leonardo DiCaprio salary send him a letter to his agent and complain how much is too much. Think they’ll respond? Ah right - never! After all Leonardo DiCaprio is in a Union, these wonderful unions to allow actors like this to make mega millions. Look at the US economy and where the money is going, food stamps, health care to the poor and illegal immigrants, unemployment checks and etc but hey there room to pay Leonardo DiCaprio $75 to $100 million a year though.
Lets see for $33,000.00 an hour for one Leonardo DiCaprio actor would equal the cost of people to pay his salary off: per hour you would get:
$28.00 1178 US soldiers
$250.00 132 doctors
$220.00 150 lawyers
$130.00 253 US Senators
$80.00 412 Congressmen
$35.00 942 auto mechanics
$28.00 1178 pharmacists
$10.00 3300 whole sale store employees
$9.00 3666 department store employees
$8.00 4125 retail clerk employees
$5.00 6600 illegal immigrants in the US
$.25 cents 132,000 Chinese assembly workers
Shack of shame isn’t it. Shame on Leonardo DiCaprio for this incredible ripoff salary costing people millions to live his fortune on greed. The average American makes $31,000.00 a year but Leonardo DiCaprio makes that in 1 hour, that is sick.
hes a little beggar at times!!! i assume all men like that are!!! but its not totally what it appears!!! i just know!!! fair play to him if hes had no real support system like i havent so far when im dying to move on!!! if it happened to me i think id just keep taking advantage too cos i wouldnt know what else to do!!!
thats all on a provisional account right.where he hasnt changed his name legally to deathstar right.where he doesnt know im his only relative left as a twin sister right.well if it was being shoved in his face and he had nothing else he liked to do wouldnt you take full advantage?
You forgot a few other rich celebs that have come out in support of OWS:
Yoko Ono Net Worth – $500 million
Russell Simmons Net Worth – $325 million
Kanye West Net Worth – $70 million
Susan Sarandon Net Worth – $50 million
Michael Moore Net Worth – $50 million
And lets not just keep this to Hollywood.... what about Nancy Pelosi she has come out in support... her net worth? Between 35.5 million and 58 million.... and she is part owner of Piatti restaurant chain, La Auberge Hotel, and a Napa Valley Vineyard—all of which are strictly non-union.
I wonder how many of these very rich people will be hosting poor families for the holidays, or working in soup kitchens on Thanksgiving..... ??
When these celebs try to stick Americans with a $75,000,000,000,000 debt or commit as many crimes listed below, I'll want their hides too, until then what is your point?
It is the idea that while the OWS vilifies the 1% many of these celebs live like those very same people. They give lip service to the movement but do little else. It has become a great photo op for them. While I may not agree with the process OWS has taken to make changes, if nothing else they are willing to "put their money where their mouth is" . They are willing to endure the cold and lack of convenience to stand for what they actually say they believe.
I am tired of the ecstatic praise that these celebs receive just because they come down to Zuccotti Park (wearing clothes that probably cost more than a family makes in a month) for a few minutes and "humbly" give their blessings. NONE of them have done anything to further this movement.
The problem is not THAT you make money, the problem is HOW you make money.
what average american makes 31 k ?
Yikes! This morning I made a wrong move and fell off my horse, nearly cracked my skull and was suddenly blinded by the light of a trollface shining in the disc of the sun...
Whew!!! I suddenly KNEW in my heart of hearts that the much-maligned trolls had been correct all along! So I swore then and there to stop persecuting them and to in fact JOIN the furry little critters!
O my brothers! o my sisters! I also realized that you valiant, hard-working, cuddly little muppets need to get with the times and form your own MOVEMENT!
I even thought of a name for it : TOTAL KON-TROLL!!! D'ya like it?
Of course, you cute little imbeciles will need a PROGRAM. First, you want to get Obama to "move on"... even though he's quite the troll himself, actually. I mean, he just authorized the assassination of a 16-year old U.S. citizen without a trial ... not too shabby for a hopey-changey-commie dummy, huh!!!???
Second, as soon as you're in power, you want to abolish the "Constitution", the "Bill of Rights" and all such commie liberal bullshit. Won't be needed no more, 'cause the Republic will become a no-nonsense, pre-Magna-Carta TROLLDOM, under the Troll of Trolls, King Rush (Limbaugh) and his loyal 1% gang.
The remaining 99% will only be tolerated as SERFS, barely eking out a miserable existence and there to do ALL our bidding... Just think of all those cute half-starvin' serf chicks we silly, sex-obsessed, impotent, Viagra-burping guy-trolls will get to choose from!!! OO-WEE!
I do realize you dimwits have a hard time with spelling and grammar, so I hereby offer my services as your... Propaganda-Fuehrer! Our logo would of course be that "trollface" I saw in my vision and just posted on Wikipedia. And right off the top of my head, here are a few slogans you might wanna start splashing on some posters...
"Fuck Occupy Wall Street!" (troll rap song on YouTube)
"END the fight against corruption!"
"Honesty is the WORST policy - strictly for losers!"
"Lliberalism is a mental disorder." (Thank you, Karl99, for posting this pearl of wisdom on the forum November 14.)
"CITIZENS UNITED against Social Justice!"
"Congress should rely on America’s wealthy to take care of income disparity!" (Thank you, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) on Fox News on Halloween Day 2011)
"Common decency is WAAAY overrated"
" 'You The People' SUCK!!!!"
"HELL NO YOU CAN'T!" (Thank you, John Boehner, House speech 03/21/10)
"Be kind... adopt a billionaire!"
“Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” (Thank you, Rush Limbaugh, o uncontested King of the Trolls, for that candid response to a female African-American caller)
"Poor? Sick? Unemployed? TOUGH!!!"
"Try misery - it builds character!"
"Ban the baby bottle - no more FREE HANDOUTS for the little suckers!"
"Padlock all foodbanks - Let 'em STAAARVE!"
"If You Don't Have A Job And You're Not Rich, Blame Yourself!' (Thank you, Herman Cain! Wall Street Journal, October 5)
"BLAME the poor, make'em feel ashamed - that's the American way!"
"IGNORE thy neigbor!"
"Screw all those losers who 'thirst and hunger for Justice'!"
"Social Justice is a scam and a lie that has been pushed by the left for decades." (Thank you, "The1capitalist", for this pearl of wisdom posted on this forum November 5)
"Jesus was a no-good bleeding-heart LIBERAL! Crucify the hippie!"
"Hate is good - love is for SISSIES!"
"Genocide, rape and plunder are what made America GREAT!!!"
"Morality is for suckers!"
"Greed is good". (Thank you, Gordon Gecko, for that immortal line in Oliver Stone's "Wall Street")
"There is no god but MONEY! Worship MAMMON!!!"
"WHO are we sworn to serve? MAMMON! MAMMON! MAMMON!"
"I keep god in a trunk in my basement. Every so often, I take his corpse out and have sex with it." (A genuine comment posted on this forum by "MikeyD")
"Truth is a LIE and lies are the TRUTH!"
"Evil is good and good is evil : THAT is the summation of our TROLLOSOPHY!"
OK now, ya bunch of furry little Koch-sucking weasels, let's hear it for "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!" "TROLL POWER!!!"
The cost of movies and entertainment is going up which is hurting the middle class, all so that overpaid actors like Leonardo DiCaprio can drive a $320,000 Ferrari and other expensive cars and live in oversized mansions that can fit 10 families in them
25 if they are mexican
It's not THAT you make money it's HOW you make money.
And movies, entertainment, DVD costs are going up
He does not count because he votes for the Lefties!
And of course everyone will ignore this because they don't want to admit we need to occupy Hollywood