Forum Post: Legislative Action Needed For Equality
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 9:51 a.m. EST by GrantWiggins
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There are so many things that need to be done. It was tough to limit it to five things. After looking at the lack of progress, it makes Congress look like the ultimate procrastinator or apathetic entity. In my opinion, the five priorities right now to increase disposable income, generate some jobs, increase demand, and save existing workers from burn out, health problems are the following:
1) Living Wage w/ public transportation subsidy 2) Reduce Healthcare Costs 3) Work-Life Balance Legislation including promoting work sharing, increased paid vacation time, and maternity leave for parents 4) Implement Financial Transactions Tax for people engaged in short term investing and high volume transactions 5) Increase spending on infrastructure to improve public facilities, old roads, bridges, public transportation, broadband internet access, and create public gyms with tracks for people with health problems