Forum Post: Legislation
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 11:58 p.m. EST by LikeTheWinter
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Each occupant has a senator that represents her/him. What if we through the General Assembly wrote the bills we want before congress and mailed it to our senators? The only demand then would be to pass the bills we send.
I don't believe that a small group of people can write a small group of anything that represents all of us.
we can try.
I'm sorry, I'm not trying to discourage you, but we have very different ideas about what this movement is all about. I think the entire focus should be on the concept of "corporate greed". That's a pretty big blanket and covers a whole lot of issues. To start focusing the specifics, I feel is premature. We need to solidify the "big picture" message in our own eyes, in the eyes of the media, and in the eyes of the rest of America. To me "corporate greed" represents the retailers who insist that they can only make enough money selling stuff made in China. My point is that slave labor is a bad answer to any question, but if the big boxes hadn't driven all the Mom & Pops out of business, we might still have retailers who are content to make profit off of products made right here in America. Corporate greeds leads to tax policies that favor corporations, wealthy individual stock investors, and yes, those that send jobs to China. Furthermore, I don't think Congressional legislation should be priority #1 right now. Exposing corporate greed in all of it's different forms should be our #1 goal (IMO, of course). Exposing the very executives that advocate the greed policies should be our next goal. I sincerely think that if this movement builds up a big enough 'head of steam', that we may see a few corporate CEO's resign or otherwise lose their jobs because their greed has gotten so obscene. We can change the corporate culture here in America simply with force. By that time, elected officials will be begging us to say what we want them to do specifically.