Forum Post: Legalize Pot!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 10:06 p.m. EST by MikeyD
from Alameda, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why are the feds busting legal growers in California? Unemployment is at 12.6% and people are on the edge of poverty, yet the fed has the time and money to throw me in jail for operating a medical marijuana business that is COMPLETELY LEGAL IN CALIFORNIA?
Tell Obama to get his buddies on Wall St to pay their taxes, and LEAVE MY POT ALONE
There are two reasons for the war on drugs
Private prisons should be illegal. If the crime rate is so high that we run out of space in our prisons, it is time to take a new look at the legal system.
Citizens of a country are being incarcerated so a group can make money!
The Justice Department is now going after small legal marijuana shops. This is out of control! It's time to END PROHIBITION. We have to hold the President accountable on this issue...he's forever brushing it off as a whimsical idea to legalize, and now to find out he's outright allowed Eric Holder to attack small businesses isn't right at all. President Obama is misguided on this issue and it needs to be addressed, too many young people without rich parents to bail them out are being prosecuted for a herbal lifestyle and end up on the road to perdition.
Half the people in our prisons are there for drug offenses. Running a prison is big business these days.
California governor Gerry Brown just authorized the construction of lots of new prison space her in CA, while at the same time authorizing warrantless searches of personal electronic devices, in violation of federal law. Yay!!!
The phone companies are in on it too they've got monopolies out here in CT. The USA needs to take a look at Canada for how we address marijuana use.
You are Canadian? How do you feel about the fact Obama appointed Jeffery Immelt, CEO of GE to his Jobs council while GE pays no federal income taxes on billions of dollars of profit? How do you feel about the fact Obama personally made sure Solyndra received a 500 million dollar loan that favored his billionaire hedge fund managing campaign donors despite being told by the people reviewing the loan that Solyndra would default?
It isn't just the need to bust medical marijuana that Obama has wrong. He is the epitome of everything OWS is marching against.
No I'm Haitian, I have cousins in Canada. Actually President Obama agrees and has proposed most of what OWS is fighting for, if anything Republican filibustering and water-downing has led to this eruption. Remember the President as called us to action time and time again in recent months and Mr. Van Jones has been sowing the seeds of this movement before you or I even knew of it.
You didn't answer any of my questions. Its not like these things are a secret, yet despite Obama's massive payoffs to his 1% fund manager friends, and his federal crack down of legal pot farmers, you continue to support him. What is it, in particular, you think he has done for the 99%?.
He actually campaigned on reducing the war on marijuana. Of course, just because he said something doesn't mean he has to do it :)
Yep, Bloombergn Gingrich & Obama brag about how they smoked yet they deprive sick people of pain relief and let millions rot in jail over this shit.
Agree. It is an awesome crop that should be used to bring this country back from the ashes. It can replace polluting and non-renewable paper pulp, cotton, and that's just the beginning.