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Forum Post: Lee Whitnum to expatriate dual citizen Israeli-American traitor Senator Joe Lieberman for bill HR 3166 and send him back to Israel

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 14, 2012, 1:25 p.m. EST by gmxusa (274)
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Citizens for Lee Whitnum candidate for US Senate 2012

“In my opinion Joe Lieberman is traitor and his bill HR 3166 is the height of hypocrisy,” said United States Senate candidate Lee Whitnum D-CT, who blames AIPAC and the lack of leadership in Washington for Lieberman’s chutzpah. “If anyone deserves to have their citizenship stripped for being ‘hostile to the United States,’ it is Joe Lieberman.”

The question remains unanswered on whom Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) would label an ‘enemy combatant’ or ‘hostile to the United States.’ The Enemy Expatriation Act, also known as the Loss of Nationality Section 349 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C 1481), will go before the House for review. HR 3166 was submitted by Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Charles Dent (R-PA).

Whitnum says that if Lieberman’s bill passes and she is elected senator in November, she will use the bill to go after Lieberman to expatriate him. “If I’m elected, I’m going to use the bill to go after him for abusing his power and for putting my country in harms way,” said Whitnum. “He needs to pay for what he has done.”

Although the language of the NDAA has been revised to exclude American Citizens, the US Government merely has to strip Americans of their citizenship and the NDAA will apply. They will then be able to do so without convicting the accused in a court of law, a frightening prospect to Whitnum.

"Think about it, as the only Senate candidate who is not pro-Israel, I’d probably be labeled an ‘enemy combatant’ for my refusal to pledge allegiance to Israel which is what every candidate for national office, formally or informally, must do in order to be elected,” said Whitnum.

“Most likely all the Occupy Movement folks would be labeled ‘enemy combatants,’ and what about Muslim Americans? With the growing US Islamophobia, it’s obvious what would happen. It is a joke, as Lieberman is the last person who should pass judgment on who should be expatriated. One could argue that Joe Lieberman has contributed to more death and destruction than any ‘enemy combatant’ ever held in Guantanamo.”

Whitnum sites Lieberman’s role in the taking down of Iraq, specifically his speech at the 2002 Wehrkunde Convention. “Who the heck gave Lieberman the authorization to speak on behalf of the United States to the leaders of the European Community? How dare he abuse his power like that? He is not and has never been the voice of the United States. He was there as the voice of the Israelist Neoconservatives and he should have made that clear.”

Whitnum is referring to George Bush’s reluctance to attack Iraq, according to Thomas E. Ricks, Fiasco, because Bush did not have the support of the European community. The taking down of Iraq was a long standing ‘strategic Israeli objective’ as documented in the Neoconservatives’ manifesto: Clean Break: Securing the Realm. “Lieberman’s speech got the necessary support from the European community for war. Lieberman is a renegade and he was there as a Neoconservative representing Richard Pearl and Netanyahu’s Clean Break doctrine, which is a strategy for taking down Saddam and all of the Middle East for Israel,” said Whitnum.

Whitnum claims that if Lieberman and Paul Wolfowitz hadn’t spoken at the Wehrkund Convention in 2002, then Colin Powell’s address to the United Nations in 2003, a year later, would have fallen on deaf ears. Without European support the United States would not have gone to war in Iraq.

“Think about it, we are less safe, and according to Johns Hopkins University, more than 600,000 civilians have died, including more than 5000 Americans. Would this have happened if Joe Lieberman didn’t abuse his power? He clearly takes his marching orders from the Neoconservatives and Netanyahu,” Whitnum added. “I call it treason. Lieberman knew exactly what he was doing and was clearly following the Neocon’s and Netanyahu’s Clean Break manifesto.”

Whitnum also refers to Lieberman’s role in the Kyl-Leiberman Amendment of 2008 which was a trickily worded Amendment that was later revealed to have a sinister plan, that of giving Bush power to attack Iran without congressional approval. “Lieberman tried to pull a fast one with his Kyl-Lieberman Amendment back in 2008. If Vladimir Putin hadn’t intervened, we would have engaged in yet a third war which would have been even more disastrous for the United States,” said Whitnum.

“By declaring the Iranian National Guard a ‘terrorist organization,’ Bush could have then attacked Iran without congressional approval. Lieberman was quite simply following Netanyahu and the Neoconservatives’ goal documented in, Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm, a plan to take down all the dictators in the Middle East – specifically Saddam Hussein.”

The Kyl-Leiberman Amendment passed the Senate because most Senators did not realize its implications. Senator Elect Barrack Obama skipped the vote.

Whitnum defends her characterization of Lieberman as a traitor. “Any government official who purposely misleads our President, and the Congress, diverting us from the real enemy, for his own agenda or the agenda of another country, ally or not, has committed an anti-American act," said Whitnum. “Some could argue his actions were treasonous.”

In the new bill, the US government merely has to strip Americans of their citizenship and the NDAA will apply. They would then be able to do so without convicting the accused in a court to law. “It’s frightening, your citizenship should be an inalienable right,” said Whitnum, who blames Congressional complacency and the power of AIPAC for Lieberman’s boldness.

“Why isn’t Lieberman receiving any admonishment from his peers in the House and Senate? Their silence and lack of leadership is no doubt due to AIPAC’s power in Washington. If he was shunned the way he should be considering his role in unnecessary war, he may never have come forward. Where is the leadership in this country? Where is the outrage when someone like Lieberman has the gall, after what he did, to propose something like this. It’s downright outrageous in its hypocrisy.”

Whitnum, on her website, blames Israel for the formation of al Qaeda, the 9-11 tragedy and the Iraq War.

“I’m a reader and I research,” said Whitnum. “I blame Israel, specifically its deplorable treatment of its non-Jewish underclass for the formation of al Qaeda, the 9-11 tragedy, and the unnecessary taking down of Iraq. Israel is a regional instigator that must stand down, do right by its underclass, adhere to borders and respect its neighbors. And for God sake we need to get AIPAC in check. AIPAC is a cancer in our government and should be declared a representative of a foreign government.”

Whitnum says the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is the reason why US politicians are so complacent. “Our weak politicians are too fearful to put blame where blame is due – including the silence of Joe Lieberman’s peers, for his actions. Too much silence is exactly why we are in decline. We will continue to decline unless we elect people who are brave enough to speak the truth, stand up for what is right, and for our original Constitutional American ideals.”

Whitnum also suggests that Lieberman’s authoring of the bill is some sort of flagrant bragging.

“Lieberman must be laughing like crazy. The very description of whom he would strip citizenship from characterizes his own actions. He must know it and he must be laughing like crazy – it’s almost as if he is saying to his colleagues, “you know what I did, and I’ll go even one step further. It’s outrageous! I mean seriously, when you read the legislation, knowing what he did, it’s like it was written for him. He’s just pushing the envelope.”

Whitnum offered a further solution for dealing with Lieberman. “If we strip him of his citizenship he’d probably go to Israel to live out his days, he’ll be treated like a hero in the same way Jonathan Pollard would be if he were ever released. It’s too good of a fate for him,” Whitnum pauses and laughs, “Perhaps we should send him to Guantanamo?”

Whitnum warns of the passage of this bill and opening the door to AIPAC’s teams of lawyers, suggesting that perhaps Lieberman is motivated by the larger pro-Israel groups or lobby itself (AIPAC), to destroy all those who dissent from their agenda.

“This bill is a lawyer’s trick. It could open the door for the Anti- Defamation League (ADL), a biased AIPAC organization, to step in and wreak havoc - a loophole to indefinitely detain people,” said Whitnum. “An organization whose lawyers’ pro-Israel agenda have contributed to growing Islamophobia and even the redrawing of congressional districts to remove politicians who are not pro-Israel.”

Whitnum refers to Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who was stripped of power and position when the ADL redrew her Congressional district. “She was the only member of Congress who was vocally not pro-Israel. The ADL came in and redrew her district to get her out of office. Our politicians need not give biased legal teams ammunition to cause all kinds of damage. Joe Lieberman has proven himself biased, tricky and unscrupulous. Anything Lieberman wants…“JUST SAY NO!”

“It is the Democratic delegates from Connecticut who are ultimately responsible for unleashing Joe Lieberman on the world. I urge these same delegates to do their jobs this time around, show some leadership and vet your candidates. Do they read? Are they bright? It shouldn’t be a popularity contest. It really matters.”




Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by Palichamp (3) 13 years ago

Lee Whitnum is a candidate who has courageously and unrelentingly challenged US failed policy of supporting the illegal and murderous expansion of Israel. This policy has cost the US three trillion dollars to date and has produced blowback that has turned the Middle East into a political and violent minefield. The only way to correct this huge problem is to unelect all but a literal hanbdful of US House and Senate members and replace them with legislators who will refuse to be manipulated by the current Israeli and defense industry lobbies. Lee Whitnum is just what the US needs in these dangerous times:



[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

We need more brave candidates that are not afraid of saying the truth, like Whitnum!

[-] 2 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

I could add about the names of about 500 "elected" officials to the list of traitors, as well as a few thousand individuals including CEOs, lobbyists, Supreme Court Justices, media owners, so-called "journalists", etc.

Under NDAA they could all be sent to Guantanamo or some black-site prison indefinitely without representation. We need a military coup ...

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrown (550) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Article 5 convention NOW!

I believe we can have the lawful and peaceful equivilant, and such is demanded by the constitution.


[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

The only problem is that this corrupted government is bypassing the constitution and creating its own laws.

[-] 1 points by ChristopherABrown (550) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Article 5 convention NOW!

Correct, and that started 150 years ago.


If we act under the 1787 constitution, or the 1791, we are under the true constitution. Media is the only way they are able to continue, so amendment preparing for a general convention will be needed to get past the misinformation about our government fraudulently published by it. Strategy here.


[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

Good point!

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago


Enemy Expatriation Act -

Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act

to include engaging in or purposefully and materially supporting hostilities

against the United States to the list of acts for which

U.S. nationals would lose their nationality.

Defines "hostilities" as any conflict subject to the laws of war.



[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman

But she was another man

All the girls around her say she's got it coming

But she gets it while she can

  • Get back, get back.
  • Get back to where you once belonged
  • Get back, get back.
  • Get back to where you once belonged.
  • Get back Loretta. Go home
  • Get back, get back.

Get back to where you once belonged

Get back, get back.

I thought this was about telling flamboyant men to get back in the closet

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

"The NDAA has been revised to exclude American Citizens,"

This quote is not true in any way shape or form. It absolutely does apply to American citizens.



“This bill authorizes permanent warfare anywhere in the world. It gives the president unchecked power to pursue war... This legislation authorizes the military to indefinitely detain individuals without charge or trial, including the detention of U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. In short, what this bill does is it takes a wrecking ball to the United States Constitution.” - Congressman Dennis Kucinich.

[-] 2 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

Kucinich is one of the few Congressmen that was not bought out.

[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

When Gore picked Lieberman my very first reaction was 'OMG, he's going to lose.' Lieberman was never a Democrat or a democrat, he was always the fascist this publicly proves him to be.

[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

I am still appalled on why people voted him for office.

[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

There seems to be something wrong with Connecticutians.

[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

Yes. It is called ignorance