Forum Post: Learn from Ahmadinejad about the slime on WS.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 11:39 p.m. EST by OWSForObama
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The great leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, could tech many of the non OWSers something.
Once they learn what never happened, they will know why WS is the way it is.
Oh I feel a real headache coming on. Get me out of this Forum NOW.
I don't like Wall Street, and I don't like the way things are right now. That said, neither I nor the majority of the movement wants anything to do with Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. He's running an aggressive theocracy that is denying the Holocaust and riling the people up against Israel and the West to distract from the fact that he outright stole an election and "disappeared" large groups of protesters who disagreed with him. OWS can't tape his mouth shut, but they can and should repudiate his endorsement. I certainly do, as do most of the rational moderates on here.
Thank you ARod. Now that is what America is all about. Very, very well put and I believe you mean every word that you wrote. Thank you - not that I agree with you (which for the most part I do) but that you expressed your thoughts in a clear and cognizant way. Surely beats all the name calling on here and speaks well of your character.
Don't worry, the USA will devastate his country, have him killed and do it all in the name of fighting terror. Preemptively. Not long now......
Mahmoud Ahmedinajad is a madman. And a DANGEROUS one. If he had the chance, he'd be the next Hitler. He can go straight to hell.
He has been the the USA many times and shows nothing but respect for us.
In what parallel universe? He hates the United States, he just loves all the little kids that worship him at Columbia U, ignoring facts that he wants homosexuality to be punishable by death, something I guarantee you most Columbia students disagree with.
And what about all his angry anti-US tirades at the UN general assemblies? Do you just forget all that?
I think he only hates the US since we support israel and attack all sorts of arab countries through them. Oh wait, as a US citizen it's unpatriotic/illegal to understand an arab person's mindset.
I'm not particularly fond of how Israel handles its Palestinian population and I do think we should start making our continued funding of Israel contingent on actual progress toward peace. That said, disliking how Israel behaves and denying the Holocaust are two very different things. Also, the warmongering he's doing at home is simply a smokescreen to divert the Iranian people from the fact that he outright stole an election, had protesters assaulted in the streets, and began "disappearing" opposition that got too outspoken. This is not a man we should be looking to for support; this is a man we should be keeping our distance from at all times.
I would have an overwhelming amount of respect if you dropped my in Iran too. I would probably kiss a couple of boots if it meant my life and getting out there alive. Think about it.
Anyone who takes advice from him is a lunatic. He is a man who denies the Holocaust. Don't even get me started on the antisemitism linkage there!
He's an Arab, would you expect him to be pro Jews?
A little sympathy might promote a little peace in that area of the world. But mankind is not really about Peace is it??
The best thing to promote peace is us stop raping those countries for their oil. If they hate each other, let them fight each other and stop terrorising our citizens
I fully agree. I think we should fully pull out of Iran and let them sell their oil to Russia, China or whoever they want to. And while we are out of it, lets not allow our gasoline to be imported into Iran either.
We could have our own oil, but the EPA won't let us.
I know, I live in the middle of an American oil-gas field. EPA only calls the final shots. They can be controlled very easily by a few "tree huggers' with big mouths and more free money behind them than the oil companies have. One knows oil and gas, the other knows about far off places they want to impose upon us. Talk to an oil-man who never shot a spotted owl, has never seen one, has never experienced an "oil spill anywhere in the field" and still has to pay $100,000 more per well to satisfy the imagined clean up expenses if one should ever happen. Or better yet, talk to a Governor (EX) who has vested interests in "clean up companies"
The greedy are protesting the greed through the OWS movement today. Give me this - give me that . Here is my list of demands, it just snowed, send warm clothes. Get the homeless out of here before they eat our food. What a bunch of loosers.
"pull out of Iran"
NOT a typo - just enjoy the sarcasm.
I know Arabs aren't about peace for the Jews! I know that much!
And that it all:
This is a modern multiple choice test. Feel free to pick one, two, three or four of the above.
I agree with you just bringing a bit of humour to a cold day
Thanks, George
This group needs a little humour for sure. Such downers on here.
Ok, now take that fact that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pointed out and figure out why WS is the way it is..
I think the Jews have enough problems to deal with right now.
This here's a joke right? Or am I a troll for thinking that. I am starting to get confused by this site
What is so hard to figure out?
Another form of credit just dropped!
We need to subsidize Iranian state television here on PBS so the despicable evil undereducated pantfilling Republisheep can get the REAL truth on what's going on!