Forum Post: LEADERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 1:28 p.m. EST by FightingDaPower
from Brooklyn, NY
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OWS We cannot vote for any politicians out there!!!!! We must find leaders among ourselves who are not politically connected!!!!! We cannot trust many of the 1% who are acting like they are part of our cause such as Kanye West, Al Sharpton, Micheal Moore and the other multi millionares. They made their money from the same corporations that are trying to put us down. We must find someone who can lead us without being influenced by corporate money. This whole system started because the 1% donated to politicians.
I understand where some of you are coming from when you say we dont need leaders, but with elections coming up ARE WE GOING TO LET THE SAME CORRUPT POLITICIANS STAY IN OFFICE???!!!! We need a new party or else nothing will change!!! OWS is the party, but how will we retake the Gov't for the people. Are we going to stand on the streets forever or will we have someone speaking for us sitting inside of the White House, someone who will say "NO" to money from the 1% and instead ask himself how he/she can help the American people. Please think about it.
At the moment we have too many voices drowing each other out!!! We must vote for leaders amongst ourselves. Are we going to let the same politicians who originally let this happen blindfold us again with their lies of siding with us??? NO!!! We will be heard, and we must find a strong voice within us to lead the tip of this spear!!!
Politicians play be the rules of the "game". We encourage the continuation of this game by voting in incumbents. Voting out incumbents would automatically start a correction process on how important it is in the game to solely follow party platform agendas and the built in reward system that corporations financially support.
Amen to that. There are so many local "politicians" for lack of a better term, who never make a dent in so many local elections. The frequent emphasis is on the President, Governors and Mayors, some times the Senators. There are people with the same outlook at many of those involved in the OWS movement that can start affecting change in the government on one side. I hear people frequently saying "we need to take back the government" or "we need our voices heard". While I'm not saying that our voices need to be exclusively limited to the political arena, it doesn't hurt for more people who are THE PEOPLE to get placed in local offices. Imagine how difficult it would be for Dems OR Repubs to have their tug of war bs if a third of the House and the Senate were not "taking sides". Or if there were a significant number of representatives introducing our issues in a more demanding light with the appropriate urgency. Most of the time however, the people who would serve us better do not get placed because of the staggering political apathy of the rest of us, or we get over taken by the urge to vote red or blue. Or we just don't pay attention to the smaller fish.
I sometimes feel that there are politicians who believe that they can make a change but once they get to Washington DC or even a smaller arena like Albany NY and learn how limited they are in the decision making process they simply fall in line with how politics is played and become more concerned of what they have to do to survive.
Good point. The culture and attitudes need to change along with the power games and money.
Totally agree!!!! The Dems and Repubs have ruled the white house for too long. Both sides have been paid off by the 1% for decades. We need our own leaders. Leaders who show that we dont need their corporate money to get into office. Leaders who side with the people without being blackmailed by money. We can do this!!!! This movement has shown me that together we can be a forced to be rekoned with. Will we come out strong as a stream from a hose, or weak as a sprinkle? Only we can decide how far this movement goes.
I agree, we need leadership, we need the people who started this whole thing to step up and and to keep this thing moving forward.
Gov. Buddy Roemer. Does not take any BIG money, so far. Sadly, hardly anyone knows him either. He doesn't even have enough following to make it into the primary debates.
Maybe we get him with us to run on a platform of ending political corruption and enacting Campaign Finance Reform. This becomes THE campaign issue. I don't know much about his background. He'd have to be vetted of course.
Run it up the flagpole and see if he flies.
I agree!!! We can NOT have current politicians representing us anymore. The corruption is deep, and will go unchanged.
My vote on this one.
I have just joined to make such a thread myself, as I cannot believe this movement does not have one and pushes that fact. I've said for a long time what is needed, is a Political Party, one that can be started in every country, that caters solely for the People based on Common Sense and Logic and which seeks to benefit every Human-Being on the Planet.
I'm an Anarchist (in the true sense of the meaning ;) ) at Heart, but anyone who thinks that is ever going to happen without some sort of Global catastrophe that would force the drastic change Mankind so desperately needs, is being highly naive. Remove the corruption, lack of Common Sense and/or Logic from the democratic systems in the West and they work quite well, all we need is to rewrite them to accommodate everyone as much as possible. We know what works in the West doesn't necessarily mean it does everywhere else, but Common Sense and Logic dictates that everyone should be entitled to basic things like Human-Rights, so instead of continuing to blow the Middle East to smithereens we could be carpet dropping leaflets reaching out to those also wanting change, letting them know change is happening here too.
I don't have all the answers no doubt, but what i do no is a movement like this needs leadership.
The People in Middle East, who Western media has had us believe were all as backward as their dictators are now starting to rise, the People of the World are stirring for a number of different reasons but if we don't have something to offer, as such as Party that can give People confidence things could just change, the whole point of OWS was doomed to fail from the start.
"No leaders" now is productive. The usual suspects will do nothing to advance the movement.The next point is this...any man or woman who wants to be a leader should be questioned. Our system keeps giving us charismatic sociopaths who just sell out to the illusion of power and money. I agree with "no leaders" for now. the person who has the talent but, does not want the job could be considered inn the future..Desire is how they control politicians. we don't need people who want power for themselves.
The problem with having leaders in this movement, at least right now, is that it gives the powers that be 'targets'. The strength in the movement is that it remains anonymous so they can nit single individuals out from the masses. Leaderswill naturally rse up given situations based on the situations uniqueness ad the uniqueness of the individual who understands the situation best. Leaders change depending on these circumstances. The movement needs to keep its anonymity until we reach critical mass.
What about this guy:
We cannot vote for any current politicians because they have all been corrupted already by this broken system. We must have real democracy and put up our own leaders. We cant trust anyone but our own.
Maybe you should ask the 1%. They don't need any money, hell most have pledged to give their fortunes away.
Yea look at what bloomberg did. He voted himself in for a 3rd term and gave a big fuck you to term limits. Most of the 1% is all about being in control and thats not what we need. We need someone who will work for the people. At least I gave you the respect to answer your pathetic comment seriously.
Bloomberg is giving away his money. And at his lowest half of New York still approves of him. Pathetic says you, reality says me.
I am sure David can form pretty good team!
Everybody who like him repost this link! David Icke is the guy!
Sure! David Icke! Brilliant guy! No corruption will buy him! He is above them all!
You need technical skills. Lead by example. Start building your new civilization out in the streets of New York. Leaders are impotent and dangerous. We think they are ours to control until we are controlled by them and their empty words.
What would you suggest? Anarchy has never worked, and history has shown it would just lead to splintered groups among ourselves. We are the ants, but even a colony has its queen, and together we can take down the even biggest bugs.
Create working groups to come up with ideas, solutions to problems. Then vote on the idea. That's voting on something tangible rather than getting taken by somebody's rhetoric.
Yeah, groups will form, but we should focus LESS on the charismatic leader and how well they stand up in a live debate, competing for the admiration of the crowd - and more on the scientific validity of their idea.
You can build models, do small scale test runs until you find the best solution. It's science and mathematics, it requires trial and error, experimentation. Right now, it's all speculative:
Some guy says, if we give them more money, they will fix it, trust me, I did economics. People have opinions about this guy and his idea based on a possibly incomplete understanding. This is so ridiculously inefficient and random that we have a list of unsolved side-effects from bad or incomplete policy decisions that just keeps getting longer and longer.
I dont care for debates as much as you. I want to see things get done without going around the real question of "how are we helping the people". Politics have all become a "you scratch my back & i'll scratch yours". Mass amounts of money donated to politicians have ruined our system. You some have good ideas, but we can't do any of it until we get rid of the corruption. Our politicians have become tainted and in order for us to start a new civilization, we need to first get rid of whats holding us back. I still believe we need leaders tho, leaders who will do things for us, and not for money.