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Forum Post: leaderless???

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 1:56 a.m. EST by gnarlycody (12)
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how is it a leaderless movement when certain information is censored? i smell something fishy



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[-] 1 points by professorzed (308) from Hamilton, ON 13 years ago

Well, every blog on the web has moderators. Otherwise, we would all have to wade through a brazillion ads for cheap online Viagra.

This website is not 'owned' by the 99%, it was created and is run by a few people. There are certain parameters.

[-] 1 points by alexiboritovsky (4) 13 years ago

calling BS. Akismet is an objective automated spam filter which I'm sure their using if they know anything.

Additionally changing Dr.Paul's name to Lawl is not moderation. That is selective name filtering. Not a tool of objective and leaderless moderation. But grats on being so rooted in your delusions.

[-] 1 points by professorzed (308) from Hamilton, ON 13 years ago

Wow, way to shoot the messenger. Sorry I said anything.

If all you want to do is talk about a Republican Presidential candidate, then how is this any different than selling Viagara?

As for being 'rooted in my delusions', well it seems you have pointed out that you are little more than a troll. Insulting people and their positions really has no place in an argument. (Presidential candidates excepted.)

[-] 1 points by gnarlycody (12) 13 years ago

its too bad the parameters r politically motivated

[-] 1 points by professorzed (308) from Hamilton, ON 13 years ago

I don't know.

I have seen other people talking about Ron Lawl, and they haven't been kicked out. There are Ron Lawl threads, and not everyone has been blocked out.

Really though, I don't see how you can support Ron Lawl and not know you are supporting the broken system. He is a R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N, and he is bat-shit crazy.

He claims that he is a born again Christian AND a Libertarian. Has it ever occurred to you that Christianity and Libertarianism are diametrically opposed?

OK yeah, you are right. The parameters are politically motivated. The Occupy movement is politically motivated. Ron Lawl supporters are politically motivated.

I guess it's 'Too bad' that everyone doesn't swallow the kool aid again, pull the wool back over their eyes, and start picking Tweedledum over Tweedledee again.

Why don't you guys find out who is running the website, and ask them what's going on?

[-] 0 points by oreoobama (49) 13 years ago

Dr Paul opposes all foreign war, and wants to close all foreign bases. He also wants to terminate all foreign military support, which is why he's hated by I S R A E L, and A I P A C, and O W S.

Prez Obama wants to bomb the world and steal its OIL.

Who does OWS support? I'll give you a hint, its the war-mongers.

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

I have a leader. "He" (I'm a boy) is the internal guidance system that I inherited from my 9th generation American grandmother, an active revolutionary Quaker . Be True is my only creed. It will serve you well, if you adopt it.

[-] -1 points by oreoobama (49) 13 years ago

OWS is ORWELL 2011

Ignorance is Strength War is Peace Freedom is Slavery

OWS talks about democracy, but practices the worst kind of censorship and control.

What ever sympathy I had for the movement was quickly destroyed once I came online and found that virtually all debate is deleted and censored, and anybody that doesn't follow DNC 'talking points' is belittled, and what's most crazy is they embrace MSM bigger than MSM.

MSM at least allows dissent on their comment boards, on OWS anybody that doesn't follow MSM OWS propaganda is black-listed. Just go visit the so called 'chat', if try to talk about anything substantial you'll be black-listed and bumped off in a second.

I don't like dr-Paul, but find it very offensive that the children who run OWS have automatically setup this website to mangle his name to an offensive name, all people tried to do is bring DP's topics to debate, and all they get here are personal attacks. It's clear that like the MSM that OWS can & must exclude DP's rhetoric form their debate, ... but WHY?

Orwell could find OWS to be quite offensive, anybody that has been around this protesting biz for a decade or more knows in a second that OWS is a DNC/CIA/ADL crowd control tool for the upcoming election.

Obama just this week signed a deal in Austrailia to build the largest air-base in the Southern Hemisphere, to launch the bombing of Iran, why? Because Diego-Garcia is to close to IRAN's ballistic missiles, during IRAQ DG could be used. So this weeks while Obama's goons were spraying college kids with tear-gas he's ramping up for war. He'll keep the OWS kids occupied with protesting until the election, and then the OWS operatives will channel the liberal votes to Obama, in the meantime Obama will be to the right of Attilla-The-Hun.