Forum Post: lead us children of the good
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 9:48 a.m. EST by DEE1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Most of us as parents, family or friends will support each other when we are certain that what we are doing is right. I’m sure that no one needs to tell you (the occupiers) that you are right because you can feel it as we all can. You are the true good who has finally said enough is enough I want my country back. The fight that you have engaged is critical simply because you must win. If you don’t the greed, the hate and deception will have an unbreakable grip on your country and its people. Don’t fight support because there are many who know the evil that ruins this country. The poor, minorities, and the workers unions, Get your message to the truckers you can shut this country down. The battle ground that you have chosen is centered on economics; it’s the heart of the opposition. In order to win you are going to gain support use the technology that’s available and take all the money out of their pockets that you can. If corporate America is not fed by its people it will wither and die. You are the children of America you will find support. As I watch you on TV I can’t help admiring your efforts, you are intelligent and have remained nonviolent you and you alone make me proud to be an American. Your goodness and youthful energy will prevail. Thank you for the hope that you have given us all.