Forum Post: Lawful Rebellion
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 6:25 a.m. EST by nomorewarnomore
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I think soon we may see the people throw these criminals in jail forever(which is not long enough).I know there are plans in place here in the uk to do just that.We need a total rethink of our political system.We have an international cartel of private bankers controled by the rosthchild family(bank of england)who control the worlds money supply.Who do you think the majority of the shareholders are for the fortune 500? I would bet that all these big corporations are owned by the same few thousand people(1%)here are some plans laid down by the lawful rebellion movement in the uk:
Lawful rebellion is a movement of decent and law abiding people from all walks of life regardless of of so called social status,colour or background.It is a movement that will make people happy and debt free,guarded by COMMON LAW and common sense.
Concerning buisness and finance,new debt free and interest free banking initiatives will be started such as must be closed down with usury,the charging of interest on loans,along with the creation of money as debt, must be outlawed and never again allowed to be practised in Britain.The benign and responsible government issuance of interest free and debt free money, based on the common wealth of the nation, is the fture for britains prosperity,defence,integrity and well-being.
Politicl parties, which were only created to divide and rule and to represent self serving interests will be abolished and outlawed.We will create a new government run from the bottom up,by the people for the people.Future members of parliament will be elected as individuals based on their strenght of character, honesty, humility and wisdom along with the sevice that they have given either to their country or community.
Yes arrests will be made,when the time comes.
I guess the message I am trying to get accross here is that problems like monsanto,Federal reserve etc cannot and will not be solved by our current political systems.Its time for REAL change.
Jct: No need to fight the bankers, no need to abolish their interest rates on their chips, all we have to do is run our own interest-free chips and get off their system. I'm not waiting. I've already set up my own personal online P2P timebank account at my facebook page listing my Offers, Wants, Hours Given, Hours Received. In 1999, I paid for 39/40 nights in Europe with a timebank IOU for a night back in Canada worth 5 Hours. I'll take yours if you'll take my IOUs for time. Good ID is all that's need to qualify for the underground economy. Find UNISET UNILETS.
I actually agree with you to a certain extent.The lawful rebellion network has allready put into place the beginings of a new banking system with its own currency called,along with others here in the uk who have started similar projects.It is good to cover all bases I think?You also have to remeber that our political system is full of criminals who have to answer for their crimes.Like I said, a multi-pronged attack coverig all bases.peace