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Forum Post: laundry list for starters, feel free to add to it

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 9:36 p.m. EST by crowtower (0) from Belfast, ME
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. Free universal healthcare
  2. Minimum wage = living wage
  3. Free education for life
  4. No NAFTA, WTO, FTAA, etc.
  5. Repeal Patriot Act
  6. No Star Wars
  7. Equitable and simple tax w/o corporate loop-holes
  8. Moratorium on space program until disarmament achieved and hunger eradicated
  9. Preschool parent stipend to stay home
  10. Instant run-off voting or similar system and electoral college eliminated
  11. Build schools, not prisons
  12. 10% reduction in Military for 10 years
  13. Abolish death penalty
  14. End war on terror, end our “black op” terrorist activities in all 87 countries which fues terrorism and apologize to world for imperialism and seek unity
  15. Establish dept. of Peace
  16. End occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and pay for reconstruction without US corporations
  17. Decriminalize marijuana and end drug war
  18. Free Leonard Pelliteer and other political prisoners
  19. Apologize to native Americans and Africans and offer both symbolic and meaningful reparations
  20. Preserve women's right to choose
  21. Use Apollo or other program to replace petroleum economy
  22. End subsidies to oil and industrial agriculture and instead subsidize alternative energy, preventative health, and local org. Agriculture
  23. Corporate charters reviewed by jury duty type citizen boards with termination for failure to support life or comply with putting human and environmental needs before profit.
  24. End corporate person-hood.
  25. Economic conversion and job creation for armament, polluting, and other industries failing citizen review boards
  26. Abolish nuclear weapons and nuclear power on earth and in space
  27. Turn Bush, Cheney, Obama, and cabinets over to world court for war crimes
  28. Shift to transparency in Government
  29. National jubilee debt eradication
  30. End dollar, abolish the FED, and create new currency evenly divided
  31. Promote and subsidize super high mpg and electric viehicles and mass transit
  32. New deal type jobs program doing ecological restoration and planting trees for climate change mitigation.
  33. Abolish drones.



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