Forum Post: laundry list for starters, feel free to add to it
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 9:36 p.m. EST by crowtower
from Belfast, ME
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- Free universal healthcare
- Minimum wage = living wage
- Free education for life
- No NAFTA, WTO, FTAA, etc.
- Repeal Patriot Act
- No Star Wars
- Equitable and simple tax w/o corporate loop-holes
- Moratorium on space program until disarmament achieved and hunger eradicated
- Preschool parent stipend to stay home
- Instant run-off voting or similar system and electoral college eliminated
- Build schools, not prisons
- 10% reduction in Military for 10 years
- Abolish death penalty
- End war on terror, end our “black op” terrorist activities in all 87 countries which fues terrorism and apologize to world for imperialism and seek unity
- Establish dept. of Peace
- End occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and pay for reconstruction without US corporations
- Decriminalize marijuana and end drug war
- Free Leonard Pelliteer and other political prisoners
- Apologize to native Americans and Africans and offer both symbolic and meaningful reparations
- Preserve women's right to choose
- Use Apollo or other program to replace petroleum economy
- End subsidies to oil and industrial agriculture and instead subsidize alternative energy, preventative health, and local org. Agriculture
- Corporate charters reviewed by jury duty type citizen boards with termination for failure to support life or comply with putting human and environmental needs before profit.
- End corporate person-hood.
- Economic conversion and job creation for armament, polluting, and other industries failing citizen review boards
- Abolish nuclear weapons and nuclear power on earth and in space
- Turn Bush, Cheney, Obama, and cabinets over to world court for war crimes
- Shift to transparency in Government
- National jubilee debt eradication
- End dollar, abolish the FED, and create new currency evenly divided
- Promote and subsidize super high mpg and electric viehicles and mass transit
- New deal type jobs program doing ecological restoration and planting trees for climate change mitigation.
- Abolish drones.